
28 November 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving! And if you don't celebrate... Happy Fourth Thursday in November!

Despite my horrible commenting skills, my lack of consistent blogging schedule, and plentiful typos (ain't no time for excessive editing), I am so, so, so thankful for this blog. So many book bloggers have left for the Bookstagramming world, which I totally get, but I love this little space of the Internet where I can write about books, my job, and all the other weird things that pop into my mind. And thank you for reading! And commenting! I appreciate it so much.

I'm also so thankful for reading, books, and the literary community in general. For the authors who create the stories we love, for the people who put readings together, and for people who love to talk about reading. 

Eat! Rest! Be thankful! 

27 November 2019

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

It's almost Thanksgiving! I really wish I had saved my maternity jeans for this yearly meal... Man. Maternity jeans are the best.

I just finished The Affairs of the Falcons by Melissa Rivero and I thought the message was great, the plot line interesting, but the overall execution and pacing just a little off. There are better books out there that tell the immigrant story, but I still always value the perspective in books of this genre. 

I have to leave in a bit to take my car to Costco to get the tires balanced and rotated and I am TERRIFIED. What was I thinking, making an appointment right before Thanksgiving? I don't even want to be within five miles of Costco, let alone trying to make my way back to the tire center. Luckily, once I manage to park my car and hand over the keys, there's a Starbucks close by I can hide out at with my book.

I haven't started it yet, but Karen Russell's Swamplandia! is next. It's one of those books I've had for a really long time but just haven't gotten to. 

So, my birthday was last Friday and my students caught wind up the occasion, so they had a surprise cereal buffet party for me, complete with gifts, decorations, and the singing of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. It was absolutely delightful and they recruited some of my teacher friends to get me out of my room and unlock my door. It was super sweet. My husband and Sawyer took my to dinner and nothing horrible happened, so it was totally better than last year. 

I know money is a sensitive topic that people don't love discussing, but I actually kind of love talking about finances (not how much things cost; more like budgeting). I have made a plan to hopefully get all of my student loans paid off in 2020 and I am beyond thrilled. My payments are less than $200 a month, but I hate having any sort of obligation, financial or otherwise, hanging over me. After that's eliminated I'll tackle the solar panel loan that got tacked onto our HELOC, and after that's gone we will be non-mortgage debt free! Obviously things come up; but that's exactly the point. If I have no student loans payments and a totally open HELOC I won't lose my shit if I have to *gulp* replace an air conditioner or whatever else that costs to much to think about. 

26 November 2019

Bookish Kid Gifts

I'm skipping Teacher Tuesday this week, since I'm on vacation and have been pretty firm in my "not taking work home" mantra, I figured I'd really follow through here too. I am going to talk about some bookish Christmas gifts I'm already bought or am considering buying for my son, though, so we're still in the same sphere, that's for sure. 

Sawyer is five and a half and would pretty much be completely happy in life if he could create all day- LEGO constructions, art projects, Magnet Block structures, etc... He is learning to read, though, which is awesome, and he does enjoy sitting down for story time every evening before bed and for homework in the evenings (we probably spend twenty or so minutes reading on average a day, which for a kindergartner I think is totally age-appropriate). I wouldn't say he's obsessed with reading, like his mom, but it's definitely something he likes doing and willingly engages in. He frequently brings Waldo or his LEGO books in the car, which is nice too see as well. 

Because of his love of creating art projects and telling stories, I think I might buy him the Lulu Jr. Illustory Book Making Kit. For a little less than $30 you get a kit that comes with the supplies for making the book and the included fees of sending it back to the company and having them turn it into a hardback copy they send back to you. How cool would that be? I would have LOVED that so much as a kid and since he like to make his own books at home I think he'd really enjoy it. I will definitely supervise the process, though, since I can see him trying to rush through and finis it in like twenty minutes. 

Also in terms of creating and drawing, I ordered him How to Draw 101 Animals, a super cheap, simple book with step-by-step instructions that I know he will love (I'll probably package it with a new drawing pad and a few new art supplies). 

I got him two picture books, The Magic School Bus in the Time of the Dinosaurs (we've reread the human body one a few times this month) and Llama Destroy the World by Jonathan Stutzman (admittedly purchased based off the title alone). I might pick him up on or two more, just because I really believe that you can never have too many books, obviously. We're big fans of everything Mo Willems writes, and I want to grab Andrea Beatty's new one too- she's the coolest. 

We're reading Charlotte's Web right now and when we are finished we are starting the first Harry Potter, so probably in a week or two. I don't have the illustrated ones and Amazon was running a "buy 2 get 1 free" deal on them, so I nabbed the first three yesterday. The first one won't be a gift, since we'll need it soon, but I think I'll just wrap the other two, since I'm pretty sure he will love them. 

I have a feeling Santa will be putting Mad Libs in his stocking, which he might be a little young for, but I know they have the junior version that should work with help. He's super silly, so I'm sure he'll be pretty obsessed once he sees how ridiculous they are.

Here's a few other bookish ideas that we've loved over the years:
- Hard-back LEGO books; there are so many that detail project ideas, types of mini figures, etc... These have kept him busy for HOURS on car trips
- Where's Waldo books- again, perfect for entertaining in doctor's offices, car trips, etc...
- Anything by Mo Willems
- Phonic boxed sets by Scholastic (Marvel, Star Wars, LEGO, etc...)- I truly hate all of these "learning to read" books, but they're so helpful with basic phonics
- The Hug Machine by Scott Campbell- This book is the sweetest and the illustrations are so neat
- Ultimate Sticker Collection books- Literary they are not, but for $10 your child can have 2358385885 stickers in a book to keep him or her very busy
- The Book with No Pictures by BJ Novak- Hysterical laughter each and every time (from both child and parent)
- Little photo albums- For the past few years I've printed a few dozen pictures from our summers and put them into little albums for Sawyer to look at he loves remembering all the fun things we've done together (he's taken them for sharing at school and also loves looking at them in the car) 
- Dinosaur Farm by Frann Preston-Gannon- Super cute book about a farmer who has dinosaurs instead of animals. There's a page with some prehistoric feces, so you know the target audience will be pleased
- One Question a Day for Kids- this has been so fun to do every night. I think we started in in March, so in a few months we will start duplicating the questions to see how he has changed. 

20 November 2019

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

[my view, running through Hogwarts]

I am the Little Engine that Could chuffing up that POS mountain, almost on Thanksgiving Break.

I made this bagel egg dish last night for dinner and it was SO good, even as leftovers (not to mention a breeze to make). I live for brinner, but if you are not, it would make an excellent brunch dish. 

Sawyer and I got up bright and early (me: 3:55, him 4:15) last Saturday to drive to Universal Studios for a 1k. I admittedly had some regrets as I was setting my alarm the night before, but it was SO much fun. I have never been to the one here in California, and while we didn't do the park afterwards, the area outside it is super awesome. I finally got to try Voodoo Donuts and he was such a champ running the race. We have a Santa 1 Miler at UC Irvine in a few weeks and we're both looking forward to that one now. 

Speaking of running, I'm in week two of half marathon training and, to be honest, I am tired. My foot is behaving, though, and I think that basically never walking around barefoot has been a game changer, since I this aggravates my perfectly flat arches, which in turn inflames by wonky ankle (I basically live in Toms slippers at home now and am considering investing in a pair for work, when the kids aren't in my classroom... or hell, even when they are). But between work, home, and not getting extra rest, the more disciplined runs are tiring. I'm not working out anymore than I was before, but I'm running more. 

My birthday is in a few days, and, honestly, as long as nothing bad happens it will be better than last year, when my dog suddenly died at 6 am and then I turned around and hosted Thanksgiving dinner for like eleven people ten hours later (the only concession I allowed myself? Stopping at the store to buy rolls instead of making the ones from scratch like I had planned). My best birthday ever was probably when I turned seventeen and a group of my friends threw a surprise lunch for me. Another contender was when I turned 30 and two of my students found out and snuck into my classroom at like 6 am and decorated it for me. Otherwise, meh. I tend to be the planner in basically all of my relationships, so... yeah.... Whelp, this has taken a turn, hahaha. ANYWAY. Birthdays. Big whoop. 

Sawyer's school is doing a big Thanksgiving feast for parents tomorrow and I think they're dressing up like Native Americans, and calling themselves Indians. I am pretty surprised (and disappointed), since his school is pretty progressive and has a really diverse teaching staff. I guess I'll be talking to my five-year-old about cultural appropriation on the ride home tomorrow. 

Here's the thing about the impeachment hearings: they don't really matter, in the scheme of things. Do I want him out? Of course. Do I think he's horrible? Duh. Do I think he's unfit for the office? Yup. But this country is so divided, with the politicians leading the way, that there is no way they're going to get the necessary votes to push this through. If they do, some hope for what is good and right will be restored, but let's be real, folks. 

Sawyer is obsessed with the human body right now, since they're learning about it in school, so I introduced The Magic School Bus series to him and it's basically love at first sight.

I watched Peanut Butter Falcon last weekend with Scott and it was so good. And only like ninety minutes, so totally within my attention span limitations. 

19 November 2019

Teacher Tuesday- Classroom Tour

I love seeing the internal workings of other teachers’ classrooms, so I thought as we head into these posts I’d share a quick classroom tour. I have to preface this by saying this is legitimately what my class looks like on a day-to-day basis; there was no mad clean up involved (clearly, look at my desk area). There are a few things that I feel really firmly about: a focus on student work, group seating, and having a space where I can inject my own personality.

Currently, my back bulletin boards are where I focus most of the attention. There are three main sections, all devoted to Michael Ondaatje’s Running in the Family. The first is a collection of brainstorming the students did as a class, focusing on the form and function of the text, where they did some analysis on post-its in groups. The middle poster section is an activity we do for everything we read- the students are given essay prompts in group (or actually, in this case, they were just given topics and had to create their own prompts) and then must create a detailed essay outline together, which they then write timed-writes for independently later. I have found that this has helped their writing a ton- the thesis statements are always strong, the textual support thoughtful, and the essays organized. The third bulletin board is usually some sort of extra-credit, creative sort of thing. For this book they had to find a descriptive passage from the text and illustrate it- some of their pictures are amazing.  The fourth section is just administrative- extra hand outs that are applicable for the whole year (boring).

Two counters, one for basic supplies and where they turn things in at the end of the period. I also keep a binder for the book we are currently reading full of handouts in case they’re absent or lose something. The other counter is mainly for copies I’ve run in advance and also for tubs for each period that house graded work that the students can get when they have a second (we do massive paper-passing out days every few weeks, too).

I have collected a few broken desks for a back work area, where I keep the papers I need to grade and an area of my totally awesome TA to work. I don't have her grade papers (totally against that), but she is amazing at getting things organized, alphabetizing, checking things in, etc... Right now I have a very manageable amount of work to grade, but there are times where you can barely see the desks.

Miscellaneous items include the table of contents for their current notebook, the agenda, seating charts, etc... A group of kids has suckered their way into a taped off area of the board to hang their own silly memes and whatnot, which is fun. I also have a "struggle bus" poster where kids can anonymously put up questions regarding whatever it is we are studying. 

My students sit at groups of six desks, although in some periods there are only four kids at each. When I first started doing high school I did rows, which I hated. Groups of four are tough (sometimes I have up to 36 kids in a class, which makes it really crowded), but I found a sweet spot with the room is shaped with six. I can move around really well, the kids can work in pairs or large groups, and we can also change configurations for Socratic Seminars or partner activities really easily. 

My corner is controlled chaos, which is fine with me, as long as the rest of the room is in order. I love collecting things to put on the walls- kids' thank you cards, pictures they give me, little trinkets they bring back from trips. There are so many stories on my walls and on my bookshelf that make me so happy. I love that someone can go in my room and know a bit about me and what kind of person I am without talking to me- I think that it makes the kids feel more comfortable, that I'm a teacher with a personality and interests. I remember in high school we had a teacher who had floor to ceiling posters and I adored his room.

So, that's it! I spend so much of my time in my classroom everyday- sometimes more waking hours than my actual house! It's important to me that it's how I like it and that it represents what we're learning. 

14 November 2019

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

The time change and then a holiday? Plus a day out for meetings? This week has totally thrown me for a loop. A day late and a dollar short, but whatchya gonna do?

I bought Sawyer his first The Magic School Bus book and he loves it. He's already super curious about the human body and it's many functions (today he asked where exactly he was born from... I explained and he was like "oh, I thought it was your mouth."). 

I started Carmen Maria Machado’s short story collection Her Body and Other Parties, and it is so good. The writing is beautiful, but there also these little surprises in there, like a sudden outbreak in a story you think is going to be strictly about relationships. Her memoir will definitely be on my wish list.

Our Thanksgiving plans suddenly changed for the better recently, and I couldn’t be happier.

I am a person who almost passes out several times a year, but never actually does. It’s who I am, and it’s fine. What’s not fine is that it almost happened in front of my students the other day! That lovely feeling of being super hot, sick to my stomach, and lightheaded started creeping in during second period as we were getting things organized for a test and I had to plop myself down regain composure (probably the result of a decongestant/coffee for breakfast combo). Luckily the kids didn’t notice, but it got me thinking- what would be worse, throwing up or passing out when kids are in the room? I think anything involving bodily fluids would be far grosser, although knowing my kids they’d call for a very unnecessary ambulance.

My mom was in town last weekend and it was so fun. We went to Downtown Disney for lunch one day and the beach the next. This weekend we have a Kid’s 1K at Universal Studios on Saturday and a playdate on Sunday morning, all subject to change if the ominous “there have been cases of vomiting” sign on my son’s school door comes to fruition (seriously, is there anything more terrifying than those health alert signs?). The kid next to Sawyer got sick and the teacher reassured me she had Lysoled everything down. My response? LYSOL my child, too. She doesn’t really get my humor though, so we had ourselves a slightly awkward moment.

Jonathan Safran Foer is on the Armchair Expert podcast- this is very exciting news. I’m slightly scared of his new book, about global warming, just because I think it might depress me even more about the current state of our planet. I’ve seen him speak before and I found him to be very witty and a little sardonic, so it will be interesting to see how Dax and Monica balance him out.

A student recently tried to bribe me with dozens of bags of Baked Flaming Hot Cheetos to give his class an easier version of the test they were taking. IT DIDN’T WORK.

12 November 2019

Teacher Tuesday

When brainstorming post ideas recently I noticed that there were several teaching-related ones. Instead of turning this into a partial-teaching blog, I've decided to start a Tuesday feature called Teacher Tuesday, highlighting different things I do in my classroom, strategies that have worked well for me, changes I've made, anecdotes, etc... 

This week I though I'd just give a quick background on my career so far. I started off premed at UCLA, changed to psych for a second sophomore year, and then landed in English, since I was an avid reader and loved writing. And what's an English major to do? Typically, we teach, try journalism, go into various forms of marketing, or become lawyers. Admittedly, part of my decision to become a teacher stemmed from the idea I could complete the credentialing program in a year and then land a stable job. I had no interest in law and was nervous about trying anything else. Plus, I did enjoy kids and thought I'd probably be decent at the gig, since I was the oldest of four siblings and had been bossy since I'd come out of the womb. Despite my English degree, I decided to be elementary teacher- I was 21 and barely out of high school myself! I went to a Cal State for my credential and decided to try to stay out in the Riverside area, since my boyfriend at the time, now husband, lived out there. 

After getting my credential I immediately got a job working at a school I student taught for, which I was at for three years as a fifth-grade teacher. This was during the Great Recession and California slashed a ridiculous amount from the education budget, so I received a pink slip for the first time, despite being tenured. It was devastating, but a huge wake up call. It taught me a valuable lesson about not trusting so-called dependable things as much as I did, but also that I should get MORE credentials to solidify my teaching spot once I was rehired back (I was two weeks later, after our district "found" money). I was transferred to another school as a fourth grade teacher and went to work getting my English and Biology credentials, as well a my master's, knowing that those things would basically make me lay-off proof in the future. Yes, I know my need for control, terror of being unemployed it really shining right now. 

At the the end of my fourth year teaching elementary school I was once again up for lay off, but my English credential saved me, allowing my to snag a spot at the lowest performing high-school in our district, which was being forced by the state of California to restructure or force being taken over by the government. I was hired in as a part of a staff that was 50% new to that school- it was a huge adjustment for everyone. I was in charge of the yearbook, a few sections of sophomore English, and a now defunct class called CAHSEE Prep, which helped kids who couldn't pass the high school exit exam (which we no don't have). It was a really challenging year, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying it. Yeah, the kids were bigger and swore, but I also got to teach Julius Caesar and To Kill a Mockingbird! I loved how I now had six class periods as opposed to being with the same kids all day, and that they understood my humor. I was able to finish my bio credential that year, further cementing my place in the employed column.

The following year I was given some AP Language sections and soon after I took over an IB English spot and the rest was history. I now teach four sections of IB English to seniors, who I had as juniors, and IB Theory of Knowledge class (IB stands for International Baccalaureate, a highly advanced and rigorous honors program). I advise IB Extended Essays as well, and basically am willing to do whatever I need to for the program, since I too am a proud IB graduate myself. 

The work load is definitely insane. I pretty much always have a few hundred assignments waiting to be grade and many more on the verge of being turned in. It's controlled chaos, though, and for the amount of papers being turned in I do a pretty good job of keeping up on things. I've instituted some different systems that I'll talk about on later posts to explain how I've gotten this area of my professional life under control.

I've been at the high school level for ten years, which brings me to year fourteen. I don't have any ambitions to get my administrative credential and move out of the classroom, and as long as I am happy with what I am teaching I'll stay at the secondary level. If things ever change I may return to elementary some day, since there are elements of that level I do miss. 

11 November 2019

Nonfiction November- Be the Expert

Week three of Nonfiction November, hosted by Doing Dewey, give us a few options- I'm choosing the "Be the Expert" one and giving you not one, but two, lists. I couldn't choose! First up? Running. Second? Food/Restaurant Memoirs.


I have been a very slow runner (fine, fine, jogger) for well-over decade. I've run twelve or so half marathons and a handful of other distances and try to get on the treadmill to run, or run/walk, five times a week. I've actually recently decided to train for a half in February, after taking a few years off from long distances. I have an ankle issue, but I've decided to push through the problem and get back to running for a purpose (other than health). Running books always help me get motivated, stay on track, and be inspired, so here are my top three favorites, plus a bunch of runners-up (ha, see what I did there?):

Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor- This one is without a doubt imperative for the psychological aspect of running. She is so insightful, honest and motivating. I actually started off the year with an excerpt from this and one other running book to help my kids get started. 

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall- Honestly, can you have a running book list without this one? The ultra marathons that he describes are incredibly and make you realize that the 5k or half or whatever it is you're training for is totally doable. 

Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide by Hal Higdon- This is my go-to guide of training plans, tips on nutrition, and basically anything else you could ever need, whether you're a newbie or an advanced runner. 

Also worth a read:
26 Marathons by Meb Keflezighi

Run Less Run Faster by Bill Pierce, Scott Murr, and Ray Moss

Confession of an Unlikely Runner by Dana Ayers

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami

The Long Run by Catriona Manzies-Pike

And now my other nonfiction love, chef memoirs, restaurant start up stories, etc... I love cooking and baking, and I've worked in a few restaurants in my lifetime (and have really loved it). The Food Network is seriously the only thing I really feel sad about missing, since we gave up cable years ago. Here are my all time favorites:

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat- I read this cover-to-cover. The first four sections are a primer on each area, followed by recipes. 

I Hear She's a Real Bitch by Jen Agg- The Canadian restauranteur talks about her struggles as female in this male-dominated world.

Sous Chef by Michael Gibney- This work is a syntactical wonder, told in a sort of stream-of-consciousness day-in-the-life style. 

Runners Up:

Blood, Bones, and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton

A Thousand Hills to Heaven by Josh Ruxin

Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson

Anything by Anthony Bourdain 

09 November 2019

Andrew Sean Greer and Sloane Crosley Event at UCLA

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to receive a complimentary ticket from CAP UCLA to hear writers Andrew Sean Greer and Sloan Crosley. I read Greer’s Pulitzer winning Less for book club earlier in the year and really enjoyed it, and while I have never read any of Crosley’s work it’s been on my wish list for awhile. I went to another one of these Sunday evening events at UCLA a few weeks ago and really loved the ease of it all; traffic is super light both ways, I get to visit my alma mater, and the venues are beautiful. This time I made it faster than I expected, so I was able to walk into Westwood to relive my glory days.

Greer and Crosley had never met, but their chemistry was immediate and delightful. I’ve been to readings where the moderator and author seemed to borderline hate each other, but this was the complete opposite- I could picture them heading out to dinner afterwards in a non-obligatory sort of way. Both are hilarious in their own right, poking fun at themselves, writing in general, society, and their characters. Their humility seemed incredibly genuine, both so thankful for their success.

I think the best story of the night was when Greer relayed the episode in which he found out he had won the Pulitzer. He had been working at some sort of writer’s retreat of some sort, reporting to a Contessa (I may me botching his position, but you get the gist). Margaret Atwood was due at the villa for dinner and Greer was in charge of getting a pair on dog-underwear on the pug with suspenders, which was apparently very difficult (as one would imagine). When he finally checked his phone he saw a number of missed texts and calls, so he was quite confused. He saw one from Michael Chabon, who was congratulating him, so he called him for clarification. What a way to learn about your Pulitzer! From Chabon (who I have also seen speak and is absolutely amazing).

I cannot wait to read more from both of these authors. Both are extremely talented at their craft and it was an absolute pleasure to hear them share their ideas and insights.

07 November 2019

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

Hey there, Kentucky. Feeling a little blue, eh?

You know you’re of the bookish variety whennnnnnn…. you get excited when you see two authors you like hanging out together (Rebecca Makkai and Alexander Chee).

I am listening to the podcast “The Thing About Pam” and it’s so fascinating. The Keith Morrison’s, the host, voice is so dramatic and broadcaster-y, so it took me awhile to get used to it. Basically, it’s an investigation of a murder case from a few years ago that I was lucky enough not to know anything about. I’m not a huge true-crime buff or anything, but this one is really well-done.

Some good news was bestowed down upon my  family (finally) this week and I am so disappointed in myself to not allow myself to get swept up in it. Instead, I’m waiting for the good thing to turn bad.

Sawyer and I have a deep love of Fleetwood Mac, his of recent note, after hearing the song “Go Your Own Way” in a movie. He wants to go to one of their concerts and I saw that they’re going to be in Vegas in a week. It is taking every ounce of self-control to not get tickets and make a turn-around trip out there for a weekend. And, let’s face it- he’d probably get bored and tired. (See, I’m clearly working hard on convincing myself to refrain).

Have you ever completed the rose, thorn, bud exerciser? Basically, you think about something that’s going awesome or is really positive in your life (the rose), something troublesome (the thorn), and something that you’re looking forward to or has potential (the bud). I read about this recently and think it would be such a great thing to do with my students or as a quick way to journal. It’s a great way of looking at life.

I have been really babying my bad ankle lately, wearing a compression brace daily, icing it nightly, and never walking barefoot, and it’s been feeling really good lately. So good that, coupled with my rediscovery of the Jay-Z/Linkin Park “Collision Course” album, I’ve been considering a half marathon next February. I swore that I was done with distance running after the last one, but I’d like to have more of a purpose for daily running/exercising (because, you know, health isn’t enough, apparently).  I want someone to make up my mind for me.

So, back in, like 2007 I had pumpkin soup for the first time, on a cruise. It was delicious and amazing, but every kind I’ve had since has been way too sweet. I’m officially on a very autumn-quest to find the perfect recipe (and find a cheap emulsion blender to make it with).

My son, who is in kindergarten, is super into making projects with glue and construction paper and it’s the best. It’s so consuming! He will sit for an hour or two and create, only stopping to show me or ask for more supplies. He told me this morning that he was going to make me a lawn gnome for my classroom, so I’m pretty excited. 

04 November 2019

Nonfiction November- Week 2

This week's Nonfiction November asks up for pairings, a nonfiction and fiction, which is a super fun challenge (and is hosted by Sarah). 

Fiction: The Overstory by Richard Powers
Nonfiction: The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
Topic: Trees, trees, and more trees! A lot of the same scientific concepts are covered in both, the nonfiction going further in-depth, with Powers adding a complex plot and fascinating characters. 

Fiction: The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas 
Nonfiction: So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Topic: As a white woman these two books were really important to me at a time where I was really diving into white privilege and trying to do my part to understand how I could stop being a passive bystander to some of the things that are going on in America. 

Fiction: Tortilla Curtain by TC Boyle
Nonfiction: Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen by Jose Antonion Vargas
Topic: Illegal immigration in the US; it's fascinating to see how Boyle's book, now nearly twenty-five years old is still so relevant today.

Fiction: My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
Nonfiction: How to Murder Your Life by Cat Marnell
Topic: These books are incredibly different, but at the heart they both feature a young woman of privilege who is struggling terribly and has to figure out how to cope. 

02 November 2019

Life Lately (in Mostly Pictures)

Blogging has admittedly not been my number one priority for the past few months. I pop on once a week at least, but I haven't been exceptionally diligent about posting three or four times a week, which is my ultimate goal. It isn't that I don't have post ideas, because I do, it's just... time. I'm always complaining about this issue, so I thought I'd share what exactly has been taking mine up this past month: 

Halloween with a little kid apparently takes up a lot of time and energy.... and it's definitely not even my favorite holiday. We had like four different "events" between trick-or-treating and a few things for his school, plus our annual Knott's Spooky Farm trip. Sawyer loved the season so much, minus the scary stuff, so we'll call it a success.

It's fall in Southern California, meaning it's in the seventies and eighties, so I've been loving being outside (minus the smokey days). I've also been doing my normal daily workouts inside, so I've been getting tons of steps.

I've been reading, but not enough by my standards! I've been trying to squeeze in a few minutes during lunch at work, which is always nice (but difficult to remember to do sometimes). My issue right now is that the two books I'm currently reading aren't fabulous in small snippets, so it's been hard to get in larger blocks of time. 

I've been embroidering a ton, both for my Etsy shop, myself, and for gifts. The top hoop was a gift for a friend and the bottom one a pattern I purchased, since I got such a kick out of the damn koala. I recently designed several small ornaments for my Etsy shop, which I hope to get out in the next week. 

Work is crazy this time of year, between what we're doing curriculum-wise, my kids applying for college and needing letters of rec (I wrote four students applying early-action to Ivy Leagues and Stanford!), and just the general burn out we are all feeling this time of year. We went back at the beginning of August, and after three months straight we all need another break. It's hard to articulate how draining the profession is, and I don't want to complain, but between teaching all day, grading whenever I can sneak some in, meetings, grades reporting, and just being supportive of over 100 kids, it takes a lot out of me. I do love it, though, and my students and colleagues are awesome. I'm just really, really tired. 

Home-related things! I think I've made four batches of pumpkin muffins- Sawyer loves them and they're really easy. I've also had the plumber out, an unfixed dishwasher (we've been doing it old school... sigh), and a lawn guy who has an emergency supposedly come up every time I need him to come do what I pay him to do. Sigh. 

I hope everyone enjoys their extra hour this weekend! I know mine won't be spent sleeping, but it's still nice to have extra time.