
05 August 2011

Books on Your Back- Totally Irrelevent

It's Friday- I spent all day trying to get my classroom ready and was called away for like three meetings that went on way too long. I have ten million things to do in regards to both my work and personal life, and I've been averaging 6.5 hours of sleep a night for two weeks. I think that's all I need to say to justify my slight derivation with today's Books on Your Back.

Thank you Snorg Tees for saying it so eloquently. And I agree, as long as your of age, partial to moderation, and not enrolled in a twelve-step program.

I'm off to happy hour, and for those who for some reason think I'm a lush, it's strictly a two drink night. So bite me.


  1. Love this, and love your disclaimer.

  2. Haha--love this shirt. And sometimes it really is the answer, let's be honest.
