
11 January 2012


I'll be the first to admit- I love communicating through technology. Texting, emails, Facebook, whatever the situation calls for. But after teaching my students how to write business letters this week I became a little nostalgic for actual written correspondence. You know, the kind that involves stationary. And pens.

When I was little I was a big letter and card sender. My family moved from Fullerton to Modesto when I was four and I missed my grandparents and one of my aunts quite a bit, so I'd write them long letters filled with God knows what. My mom was a str
ict thank-you card enforcer; after every holiday or birthday we'd sit down at the kitchen table for an afternoon with the construction paper, glue, and markers to make kick-ass, handmade cards (a tradition I'll institute with my future youngins). And we loved it. When I got married a few years ago one of my favorite parts on planning was selecting the invitations (and saving every single card I got from engagement to wedding). I went through an awesome company called My Gatsby that let me control everything from the type of paper, to what it was backed on to the font. Heaven (heaven is pricey, unfortunately, which meant smaller bridesmaid's bouquets... sorry girls). Sorry, I can't help but to share, even though the blurry Instagram picture doesn't really do it justice:

I used to love to receive mail as well (I think that's part of the reason why I liked to send it out). I still enjoy getting cards from my family or the occasional note from a student at the end of the year. It seems so personal and sincere. Actually taking the time to write something out by hand and find a stamp takes a bit longer than plopping your butt down
in front of the computer. Effort. How novel. I keep every little card or letter I receive in boxes in my closet- I always have. I know, surprising- there is a little sentimentality under all the snarkiness.

Unfortunately, I don't exactly practice what I preach. I
send cards to my Northern California family only at birthdays, didn't send out anything at Christmas (my husband and I do spend a great deal of time making up lies for annual letters, some of which include the dogs winning Nobel Peace Prizes and me joining a motorcycle gang), and have no patience for busting out the craft supplies to make cards now (I'd end up making a mess of it, plus Michael's scares me). But if I did ever take up letter writing again, here's what I'd use:


  1. Hand-written letters are the best. We've discovered, though, that it's almost impossible to find actual stationery for writing letters anymore. My daughter and I scoured the stores and found only two acceptable boxes, both at Barnes and Noble. Hallmark (the stationery store) only had notecards.

  2. When my husband was in Basic training this time last year, we wrote letters to each other daily. We weren't able to talk on the phone, so the letters were like gold. I'd pour of the ones that I wrote, and I'd devour the ones that I received. There's nothing like going to the mailbox and seeing letters (not bills or trash) waiting inside.*

  3. I love sending and receiving cards too. I have a large collection of stationary and I always keep a nice stack of birthday cards around the house... I just noticed that you are reading Mildred Pierce. I would recommend watching the 1945 film. I love it!

  4. Love the colors ande sides, you have a great opne mind
