
08 October 2012

Top Ten- Pack Your Bags

The Broke and the Bookish gave us license to choose our own topic this week- I'm going to with The Top Ten Places I'd Like to Sit and Read. What can I say, I'm experiencing some massive cabin fever lately, especially with our annual Christmas trip is so far in the away (and yet to be decided). A few of these places I've been before, and I know there is a definite cheese factor, but I'm going to go ahead and embrace it tonight.

1. In a hammock in Fiji, overlooking in the water (cheesiness factor: 9)

2. At a coffee shop in Paris, with a view of the Eiffel Tower (cheesiness factor: 10)

3. On a blanket in Strawberry Fields, in Central Park (cheesiness factor: 5)

[my own- maybe in the spring next time...]

4. On Janss Steps at UCLA. The nostalgia for college kills it (cheesiness factor: 7)

5. St. Marks' Square in Venice, Italy (cheesiness factor: 6)

[my own]
6. In a snowed-in resort lodge in the Swiss Alps (cheesiness factor: 4)

7. On the deck of either a Carribbean or Mediterranean Cruise (cheesiness factor: 9)

8. By a huge fire at a luxury dude ranch in Montana (cheesiness factor: 3)

[source via source- desperately want to go here, by the way- eco friendly!]
9. By the beach in Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket, wearing Ralph Lauren Polos and pretending I'm from old money (cheesiness factor: 6)

10. One  a jungle safari in Africa (cheesiness factor: 4; and yes, I'd really go)

Anyone else itching to drag their book around the world?


  1. Me! I think all of the places you've listed are lovely! Honestly I haven't been to anywhere except the Philippines. It would be doubly fascinating to travel and read a book though I'm also perfectly happy in a nice library or a cozy chair. =)

    Marj @ In Library Paradise

  2. Awesome topic and awesome ideas! I like the idea of the Swiss Alps or a ranch. I can't read at the beach though. And yes, it's actually quite nice to sit by the campfire in the middle of nowhere while on safari and read... Paris and Fiji sound quite fun too.

  3. Ummm - can I just tag along to all these places with you?!

  4. Nice! I love your picks, I'd totally tag along! :D

    My TTT

  5. I love your choice of list! I would love to drag my books around the world. Paris sounds particularly fabulous, cheesiness factor of 10 or not!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad I've found yours :)

  6. Paris sounds lovely!! I would love to take my book there right now!

  7. In a hammock sounds awesome. I would take the cruise right away! I really want some warm weather now. Great places :D

    TTT @thedailyprophecy.

  8. All of these sound fantastic! I LOVE reading on the beach. And visiting exotic locals. These all made me want to travel somewhere STAT!

  9. I don't know that I would do much reading if I were on a jungle safari. The others sound lovely. I am a big time beach reader, and although I am not a huge beach vacay fan, I've been craving one lately.

  10. Um yes! I love these places and they all sound peeerfect. Like the other commentator though, I don't know how much reading I would do if I was in a safari!

  11. I honestly don't think I could read while traveling abroad. My brain would already be too full with all the newness. But #4 made me zip back in time to my own favorite reading spot on my own campus. Sigh. Those were the days.

    My TTT:

  12. I've been doing it for 10 years.
