
21 December 2013

A Look Back: 2013 Resolutions

Last year I made some bookish resolutions and thought I'd look back at how I did:

1. Read 61 books- YES!
I just reached 61 the other day and may be able to squeeze one or two more in there before the ball drops.
2. Go to at least 10 readings- NO!
I came so close-8! I don't really accept responsibility for failing, though, since the last few months have been a little sparse.

3. Visit the Huntington Library again- YES!
We went for a brief visit this summer with some friends. I'd like to go back this spring for a longer visit, when the temps are lower and the flowers are blooming.

4. Check out some of the few independent bookstores left in LA- YES
 Technically just one, but the Last Bookstore was pretty awesome. 
5. Consider moving the blog to a different format/host (a big we'll see)- YES
I didn't move to a new host, but I did pay for a redesign, since I'm totally clueless.

6. Continue to grow the blog by being super smart and funny- YES!
The blog didn't grow astronomically, but there are a few more followers and page views. I think a lot of this is because of increased posting and commenting on other sites. I'm nowhere near big or famous, but I like what I've got.

7. Read at least 2 graphic novels-NO!
I read one, The Underwater Welder, but wasn't able to sneak in another (it's so shameful that I haven't tackled Building Stories yet).
8. Read at least 10 nonfiction works-NO!
I came close on this one, with eight.
9. Read at least 5 "classics"- YES!
I read six, seven if you count The Handmaid's Tale (debatable).

10. Finish a draft of my novel by the end of the school year, work on editing during summer break, and then go from there- NO!
I actually stared a new project mid-year, and while I didn't finish it I did make a dent and really enjoyed what I did. 


  1. Well, well! Look at you go! You made a much bigger dent than I did in the resolution's area! Hell, I can't even find my list!! ha!

    There's always next year.....

    Merry Christmas Babe!

  2. That's an impressive list, even if you didn't complete them all, everything you did sounds awesome. Seven classics - pretty impressive.
    By the way, 61 strikes me as a very random number of books - is there a reason for that?

    1. I read 60 last year, so my goal was to just go over that by one. Otherwise, totally random!

  3. I think you reached an impressive amount of your goals though :D The Huntington Library grounds look so beautiful!

    - Wattle @ Whimsical Nature

  4. You killed almost all of your goals - impressive. I finished my 60th book this morning. I'm trying to squeeze a few more in before the ball drops. I read three graphic novels this year: Persepolis (loved), American Widow (boo), and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (it was ok). I've heard that Blankets by Craig Thompson is good, so I asked the librarian to buy it. That will probably be the end of my graphic novel reading though. It's an interesting art form, but it's not my favorite way to consume literature.

  5. Even though some of your targets you didn't hit completely, I think you did a damn good job of anyway! I find graphic novels so difficult to read, I just don't have the attention span for them.

    Look forward to reading your goals for 2014!
