
16 July 2014

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

Link up below!

1. Summer is almost over- 25 days. I know that most adults don't get summer, which sucks, but we are all in charge of what career we choose. This year is ESPECIALLY hard for me, since I'll be leaving Sawyer at daycare. I will have been able to spend almost four months with him, which beats the hell out of the standard six week maternity leave, but still. We're pretty attached. Necessary evils suck.

2. Our neighbor abandoned this stuffed gorilla on the sidewalk. I'm concerned for Boris (obviously this name was taken from The Goldfinch). Last night he had to endure the horrible Southern California elements (read: sprinklers) and is starting to look a little ragged. I may need to call animal control.

3. I need fun, fast-paced new running songs. Suggestions? No country, please. And yes, I already downloaded "Fancy."

4. Whenever I post I always have it in the back of my mind that students may be reading. I've also Facebook-friended a few new people from work, so I guess I'm feeling more and more... exposed. Because somehow, despite putting my thoughts and opinions up on the internet, I didn't before? Nothing is really changing, I'm just a tiny bit more guarded.

5. If you have a few minutes and want a good laugh, read the reviews for Unicorn Meat on Amazon.

6. Last Sunday afternoon was amazing. Sawyer went down for a two hour nap, the dogs and I laid by the pool, and I was able to read uninterrupted in the sun. All that was missing was a cocktail... womp, womp, womp. I did this every day last summer and totally took it for granted.

7. So many people tagged me in that Weird Al grammar song yesterday. I'm going to take it as a compliment.

8. I've had some serious cabin fever lately so have made more of an effort to make plans. Yesterday I had brunch with a good friend and her son, and tomorrow I'm headed out to Newport with another friend for Sprinkles (we read the article about the cupcake industry being in jeopardy and thought we'd do our part). Saturday my mother-in-law is babysitting so we can go to dinner alone and next week I have plans with an old student and another friend, and then a quick baby-friendly hike and dinner with our couple friends. Fuck you, cabin fever.

9. Speaking of "couple friends" I was recently read an blog post (I think Brittney, Herself-?) about the importance of couple friends. This is something I must say we're lacking- we have maybe three couples we go out with? It's never been a big deal, but I think the distinction between friends you go out with alone with and couples is interesting. Why don't you go out with the significant others of said friends? It's weird. We were making a great deal of headway brainwashing our cool next-door neighbors to become couple friend number four, but things have come to a standstill (perhaps we should make an actual effort-?).

10. Another "speaking of"- one of the aforementioned couple friends noted in number nine just got engaged. They're both my really good friends, so I'm beyond excited for them. I literally squealed with glee when I got the text, and I am most definitely not a squealer. I don't think they read this, but if they do, they should know I effing squealed for them. And it wasn't even a shock.



  1. I'm back! I accidentally found this event last week...and now I have another bit to add. Enjoy your day!

  2. Not sure if this will qualify as a "running" song but it is sure to make you . . . HAPPY by Pharrell Williams

  3. I am following Laurel-Rain to this meme because I was looking for a meme that fell in mid-week (ish) and was good for posting my random bookish thoughts. Thanks :) enjoy your week.

  4. Poor Boris! Who could abandon a face like that?

    As for music, I am currently obsessed with the song Cardiac Arrest by Bad Suns. It might be upbeat enough for running. Not sure, though, I haven't been running in waay too long.

  5. I agree with Chrizette; Pharrell Williams keeps me up beat. I also love running to anything and everything by Owl City, Matchbox Twenty, Jukebox the Ghost, Frank Turner, Hellogoodbye, Train, etc. And, don't judge me, but every now and then I get into a Disney's weird.

    I like the idea of blogging. I used to journal at least once a month, but I haven't done so for years. Perhaps it's time to move toward a more electronic way of doing so.

    There are two young couples that have just moved in (within about 6 months of each other). Brad and I are attempting to adopt them as "couple friends." There's a pretty stellar episode of How I Met Your Mother during which Lily and Marshal are trying to find "the one." It's awesome.
