
30 March 2015

Top Ten Tuesday- New Additions

This week The Broke and Bookish ask us for ten books we've recently added to our TBR lists. If only books were added at the same point they were read...

1. Mary Roach books: I am currently reading Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal and find her work fascinating. She's written books about sex, the afterlife, death, and space as well. Anyone that can make science accessible and entertaining is worth the read. 

2. By the Book: Writers of Literature and the Literary Life from the New York Times Book Review- I spotted this as Barnes and Noble (shockingly) the other day and was immediately drawn in after reading the contributors (like Junot Diaz).

3. An Unnecessary Woman by Rabih Alameddine: I can honestly say I've never read a book about the Lebanese Civil War (plus I like the cover).

4. We Are Pirates by Daniel Handler: Honestly, I've never read the Lemony Snickett series (I'm sure I will with Sawyer eventually) and I have no idea if this will even be that great, but something about it seems like a quick, fun, summer read.

5. Delancey: A Man, a Woman, a Restaurant, a Marriage by Molly Wizenberg: In accordance with my obsession with cooking memoirs.

6. The Harder They Come by TC Boyle: I have a few of his I still need to read, but I'm still a huge fan and will get everything he writes.

7. Culture Crash: The Killing of the Creative Class by Scott Timberg: I saw a snippet on this through the LA Public Library and thought it sounded intriguiging.

8. Maus by Art Spiegelman: I feel like this is an important graphic novel, perhaps a bit overrated from what I hear, but still significant.

9. An Innocent Abroad- Life Changing Trips by 35 Great Writers: If you can't travel you might as well read about it.

10. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury: I'm a fan of his other work but have not read this one.


  1. Omg how did I not know about the We Were Pirates?!! I LOVE LEMONY SNICKET. I've read like 19 of his books (well, between Lemony Snicket and Daniel Handler, but technically they're one person, lol)...I'm looking that book up asap.
    Here's my TTT!

  2. I just realized Ray Bradbury had a Martian Chronicles last year! It blew my mind. Someday I'm going to have to get around to reading them. :)

  3. Alright, you have lots and lots of great ideas. Now I must go off and add these to my TBR.

    I went off in a different direction: Great Books that Independent Booksellers Recommend.

  4. An Innocent Abroad sounds really interesting, I'll have to check that one out. The other books sound great, happy reading :)

    My TTT

  5. I've had Mary Roach books on my TBR forever and I just never seem to pick one up! Maybe I should push myself to read more nonfiction this year :)

  6. I love Mary Roach's books! I've read Bonk and Stiff and they're both fantastic.
