
11 May 2015

Top Ten Tuesday- Meet-n-Greet

[Foer: douchebag or so deep?]

This week The Broke and the Bookish ask us what ten authors we'd like to meet*: 

1. Marisha Pessl- I enjoyed both of her books very much, but ever since learning she created a detailed Excel spreadsheet for her first book as a way to brainstorm I knew she was my kind of girl.

2. Jonathan Safran Foer- I've always had a bit of an author-crush on him, since college. I have a feeling he might be a little bit of a pretentious douchebag, but still. 

3. Colum McCann- I actually did, technically, meet him- one of the few authors I've ever stood in live for an autograph for. I'd love to sit down and pick his brain, though.

4. Salman Rushdie- One of the greats of our day.

5. Isabel Allende- The woman is such a firecracker!

6. Zadie Smith- I respect her writing immensely and have heard mixed things about how friendly she is in real life. I'd like to judge for myself.

7. TC Boyle- I've been to many of his readings and find his work fascinating. He has such a big personality and cares passionately about current events.

8.  Stephen Chbosky- So I could give him a stern talking to about ripping off The Catcher in the Rye.

9. Don Delillo- I need him to explain Underworld to me. Please, Don. Help. 

10. Jeffrey Eugenides- Is it possible to acquire talent through osmosis?

*I limited myself to living writers.


  1. I think Zadie Smith would be fascinating to meet. Great list! My TTT!

  2. omg I once was at an event Zadie Smith moderated and I was just dying!! I couldn't talk to her though bc it was very very crowded and she was in/out. also, ha! to your reasons for meeting Stephen.

  3. Not familiar with these authors but hope you meet them someday. :)
    Top Ten Tuesday

  4. I''d like to meet T. C. Boyle too! I saw him eating at a restaurant once in Santa Barbara, California once, but was too shy to approach him for an autograph... The last thing you want to do is bother someone while they're eating a meal.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  5. Zadie Smith has been on my list since I read White Teeth.

  6. I didn't limit myself to living writers. I just couldn't. My list is here:
