
16 November 2015

Getting Me Through...

Four more work days until we get an incredibly much-needed nine days off (well, one work week and two weekends). Besides the mythical notion that I'll be caught up with grading before I walk out of my classroom (cue laughter), here are some of the little things getting me through the week:

1. The new Adele album comes out on Friday! I'm in desperate need of new tunes. I'm musically frustrated right now, and since I love the single (after hating it) I'm excited.

2. People have been telling me to try Stumptown for ages, since I'm an iced coffee fan, and I ignored them, since I have the lowest standards ever when it comes to coffee. This was delicious and got me through my Monday.

3. As soon as I sit down for a few minutes I'm registering for my first race in almost three years. It's nothing big at all, just a 5k Turkey Trot next Thursday at a local park, but I'm really excited to line up and go! 

4. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (food! no gift-giving stress! time off!) and now that our plans are cemented I'm ready to decide what recipes to use and get organized. 


  1. I'm going to be in Florida next week and was thinking of signing up for a Turkey Trot as well….although I'm a little bit nervous about running in the humidity even though it's "only" 5K. Really, I just want a medal that says I ran in Florida, haha.

  2. I loved iced coffee and may have to try that! I have fun on the Turkey Trot, "5k" is a lot to me! lol Enjoy your time off!
