
16 December 2015

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

My life is currently being consumed by:

- giving finals
- grades
- students
- holiday baking
- a toddler that is teething and won't eat and laughs in my face when I express profound distress and frustration regarding said food strike
- avoiding the Internet for fear of Star Wars spoilers (we're going Sunday! I'm so proud that we're going to see a movie opening weekend)
- losing Fitbit challenges
- wanting to sleep

Grades are due in less than forty-eight hours and I will be back. So back.

Until then, thanks for stopping by and once my sixteen days of sweet, sweet freedom kick in I will be stopping by your posts to say hi. Until then I will simultaneously be picking effing mandarin oranges off the floor, making peanut butter balls, and grading essays. 


  1. Well you've been beating me on the Fitbit front... So bloody hot here at the moment (39C today... I think that 102F) that I can hardly stand to go for a walk :-(

  2. It's a busy time of year, isn't it? I can certainly understand why you would want to sleep. The toddler thing can be the most exhausting thing. We are dealing with a colicky infant at the moment.
    I hope that I understood your meme by linking up a post that is about anything. My first link up is a link to my home page, which was a mistake, so please delete that one if you would please.
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  3. Almost there, lady! Soon youʻll be able to take a much needed break. Hopefully your toddler will give you a bit of a break, too!
