
28 December 2015

Bookish Resolutions: 2015 Check In, 2016 Set Up

I love goal setting and list making, so resolutions are right up my alley. I don't take them too seriously, but I think it's good to have some direction. This tiny window of optimism is just too good to pass up. Here's a quick check up on last year's bookish resolutions and a few for next year:

2015 resolutions revisited... 

1. Read to Sawyer five times a week: YES

2. Read 10,000 pages- YES 

3. Continue to blog regularly (average of 13 times a month)- YES

4. Go to one reading- YES

5. Keep better track of settings of books- NO

6. Interactive book recommendation board for classroom- YES

7. Find more high quality blogs- NO

8. Reorganize my book shelves- YES

9. Keep working on my personal writing- SORTA

10. Minimize review books- YES

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with what I've been able to accomplish in terms of my reading and blogging. Of course I wish I could do more and do better, but that's pretty much the story of my life. 

So, for 2016 I'd like keep up what I've been doing in terms of reading to Sawyer, reading myself, and blogging, but I don't really think that they need resolutions, since they're pretty habitual at this point. Here's what I want to work on during the upcoming year:

1. Track book settings on a map- I have the map, I have the pins, there's no excuse. 

2. 3,000 words of writing a month (tracked)- Whether short stories or work on larger projects, I'd like 2016 to be a bit more focused. If I don't write I'm never going to be a famous novelist who travels the country on a book tour wearing Anthro dresses (obviously practicing my fiction writing already). 

3. Read three graphic novels- I really appreciate the genre, I just haven't been able to get into it yet. 

4. Cross stitch something bookish- Lame, but rekindling this hobby (I used to do it a lot in high school, believe it or not, since it's very relaxing to me) has actually allowed me to watch more movies and TV shows with my husband, which is nice for him. So now, instead of two hours of watching a week I'm up to maybe four. Ha. 

5. Consistently stay caught up on our family photo book- In 2013 I did a sort of "yearbook" for the household. Last year I did Sawyer's monster baby book, so I didn't get around to a 2014 volume. I need to throw together a quick 2015 one with what I have, but next year I want to sit down at the end of every month and catch up on Mixbook.

What are your bookish (or not so bookish) resolutions for 2016? 
This post was also used for Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish.  


  1. I love a good literary cross stitch. My next project is HP had towels. One will read "swish and flick," the other "turn to page 394"

  2. Sounds like you had a great bookish 2015! Good luck on your 2016 goals. Staying on top of photos with a little one is so not easy I am learning. But the completed books are so great -- you know, once they are actually done :)

  3. Okay, at first I thought this said "Read tom Sawyer 5 times a week" and thought WOW she must really love that book! But now that I've put my glasses on and can read what it actually says, good for you! Good luck with your upcoming goals!

  4. That's really cool about keeping track about the setting of books with a map and pins. I wish my corkboard was bigger to try something like that. Good luck in the coming year with your bookish goals! :) My goals for next year are pretty generic, namely to get through many of the books that have been sitting on my TBR pile the longest and to cut down on the book buying xD

  5. Oh I love the idea of tracking book settings on a map - please be sure to share a picture of said map! I wish I could cross-stitch (or knit!), I even bought a beginners cross-stitch kit at costco like two years ago but haven't even taken the plastic off of it. My husband and I enjoy a lot of shows together, but I get antsy and always want to be doing something else while watching…except being on my phone is rude and I can't pay attention to either well enough.

    My bookish goals are the same as last year - read 30 books. Which I beat, by when I aim too high I seem to fail.

  6. Ooh, I really like the sound of tracking book setting on a map! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  7. Fantastic resolutions. I also really like the sound of tracking book settings! Amazing! :-) Good luck with your resolutions!

  8. Oh, great resolutions! I wish you all the luck. :)
    Here's my TTT

  9. I've been tracking settings in my books for the past few years via the Around the World Challenge! It's lots of fun! I'll have to check out MixBook. I've been using Shutterfly but the books aren't the greatest quality.
