
21 December 2015

Top Ten Tuesday- Dear Santa (or Husband)

I've mentioned before that my husband and I, who both have birthdays (and the Christmas) in November and December, make lists of things we want, set limits and have it. I know some people love surprises and the anticipation of the big day, but, honestly, we are both busy, realistic people. Lists for the win. Of course most of what I want includes books, so, in conjunction with The Broke and the Bookish, here are ten books I'd love to find under the tree this year:

Run by Ann Patchett- I consider her one of my favorites but haven't read all of her books, so it's time to start adding to my collection.

Turn Right at Machu Pichu by Mark Adams- Someday, when I have a free month, ample energy, my asthma under solid control and the funds to direct this way, it's gonna happen.

Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight by Travis Langley, Dennis O'Neil, and Michael Uslin- I don't know if you know this highly important fact, but Batman is my favorite superhero. His superpower: being born into a wealthy family. 

Dear Mr. You by Mary Louise Parker- The premise is interesting and I've always liked her.

Maus by Art Spiegelman- I'd like to read more graphic novels and I feel like this is an important one. 

We Should All be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie- Self-explanatory.

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff- I enjoyed Arcadia very much and would love to give this one a try. 

The Blazing World by Siri Hustvedt- Left over from last year's books I never got around to getting!

Quicksand by Steve Toltz- I actually didn't put this on my list because I just saw it at the bookstore today. I loved Fraction of the Whole and have been eagerly awaiting his follow up and somehow this didn't pop up on my radar.

Happy holidays, all! 


  1. I feel like everyone has read and loved Fates and Furies, so it is on my to read list as well. BUT! I feel better knowing I'm not the only one that hasn't.

  2. Book lists are amazing, my best friend and I have been doing this for years when it comes to birthdays and Christmas. I hope you find all of these books under your tree this year. Merry Christmas! :)

    (Think I should bump up Fates and Furies, been seeing the book a lot on the internet and a ton of positive reviews to boot)

    My TTT

  3. I think the Fates and the Furies is the only book I have thought would be nice to have right away. I usually wait until books are available at the library. My TTT, I'm off the board.

  4. I just checked out Maus from the library and I can't wait to read it :) Graphic novels are great and Maus sounds very interesting. I have also been wanting to read more books about the second world war lately. So, then I think it will be perfect. :)

    Cucie @ Cucie Reads

  5. I read The Blazing World, Maus, and Fates and Furies this year, and they're all EXCELLENT. I'm finishing up my twelve days of book reviews from the year on my blog if you want to be convinced, but I don't think you need to be. :)

  6. those look like interesting reads! I hope you do find them under your tree this year :) My TTT

  7. We have Fates and Furies in common, and I would read several of the others on your list. Here's hoping Santa brings you some bookish merriment. Merry Christmas.

  8. We Should All Be Feminists and Maus are both great -- I don't think you will be disappointed. Merry Christmas!

  9. Oh I have heard such good things about Fates and Furies! That is HARD that you both have birthdays so close to Christmas! I have a late November birthday and my mom complains hahah. I hope that you got as many of these as possible :D
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
