
21 February 2016

Weekend Update

This weekend was was one of those weekends where you finally sit down on Sunday night and completely baffled by where the past forty-eight hours have gone. It was very... full. 

There was a tax appointment and a vet appointment. A husband that had to go into work for an extra seven hours on a Saturday. Laundry to wash and fold. Dresses to be hand washed (stop buying those ones, Christine!). A house to be cleaned. A toddler that slept through the night... but a poor teacher-mom that was up late grading papers and didn't reap the benefits. And the papers? Hundreds were graded and hundreds remain. The dent is negligible. There were meals planned, groceries bought, alarm batteries changed out. Prescriptions picked up, mail mailed, and food cooked. Cliffs Notes version: adulting aplenty. 

And coffee? There was coffee consumed. In excess.

But, there was fun to be had. Sidewalk chalk used of the first time ever. The park visited, walks walked, block towers constructed. There was a solid cardio-interval work out and there were sun salutations. Friends were consulted about up-coming weekend plans,  a donut run was made, and the bookstore was visited. There was a two-hour stretch of time where father and son were out of the house (so quiet!) and a favorite pair of running shoes found on sale. Cliff's Notes version: I am fortunate. 

Have a good week, all. 

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