
08 January 2019

5 Books I Might Possibly Reread... Someday

There are very few situations that I honestly feel warrant re-reading: picture books to my son, books I am teaching at work, and selections for book club (and only if I must). It boils down to the simple fact that my TBR list is just too intense to justify spending precious time on books I’ve already devoted hours too. Once in a while, though, usually when I am hearing my students discuss their outside reading assignments, I do have the desire to revisit some favorites. And while I don’t have any immediate plans to, here are a few that I’ve definitely considered lately:

House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende- I read this in high school and instantly fell in love with magical realism, so I feel like the origin of this preference deserves a reread. Fun fact: in college I wrote an impassioned letter to the editor of my hometown newspaper defending the novel when a group of parents were trying to remove it from the IB curriculum.

Crime and Punishment by Fydor Dostoyevsky: This is another high school love for me, which also sparked an interest in Russian literature (I took a few classes in college on it). I remember we had to do this sort of “interactive notebook” on in junior year and I CRUSHED the assignment, doing every possible variation and option the teacher gave us. I received plenty of extra credit with the comment, “Whether this is a labor of love or a love of labor, I’m not sure.”

The Narnia Series by CS Lewis: I have all of these in one collected volume but I’ve been tempted to buy a boxed set, especially since I’ll be able to read it with Sawyer in a few years. I remember these books so fondly and was so proud that I completed them all. (Julie has been reading them! Check out her reviews)

The Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole: I know I loved it and thought it was hilarious, but I seriously remember very little. I’m disgusted with myself.

Something by Oscar Wilde- I took an entire seminar on his my senior year in college and I loved everything. I actually reread (shockingly) The Picture of Dorian Grey a year or two ago, but there were so many other great ones.  

1 comment:

  1. I used to never reread books, for the same reason as you, but in the last few years I have started rereading a few favourites. I loved Crime and Punishment when I read it as a teenager, and I've been thinking of rereading it but I'm always worried that I won't like books as much the second time around.
