
05 July 2020

June Goals, Revisited, Plus July

A long time ago I fairy regularly posted monthly goals and reported back. In honor of staying at home for a long damn time, I decided to start it up again. Here's how I did last month, and what I plan to do in July, for those of you who are voyeurs, needs some ideas, or are really just THIS bored:

1. Redo the caulk in the master shower-
 NOPE! I have been meaning to do this since November and I just really, really don't want to. It really needs to be done, though, so I need to. I plan to go to Home Depot this week, so at least that will be progress. 

2. Read ten books- Yup! Heck yeah. 

3. Get caught up with my 2020 year-in-review book- Nope! But I did make some progress, doing 2.5 months. 

4. Work on patching grass- YUP! Take that, HOA. 

5. Bake a cake from Christina Tosi's All About Cakes- Nope! Didn't even open the book. 

6. Finish a puzzle- Nope! Honestly, we might get it done (2000 pieces) by the time Sawyer goes to college. Maybe. 

7. Catch up with Etsy orders- Yes! I am almost done with 14 BLM hoops, plus I got all of the ones I had needed to finished that were ordered when I wrote this goal. 

8. Do fun enrichment projects with my son (but also keep progressing with reading and math skills):Yup! Just yesterday we did a stuffed-frog dissection kit. 

9. Keep engaging with my students online: Yup! I have started daily Instagram activities for them, too. 

10. Get the backyard cleaned up a bit-  Partially- I did about 2/3 of the things I wanted to. 

11. Work on writing- Yes... but by technicality. I have been working on one short story, which is more than I've done in years, so I'll call it a win. 

12. Organize my laptop- Nope. Didn't even try.

13. More yoga- Yes! I did twelve sessions! 

14. Set up a little sitting area in the master bedroom- Yup! I love it and use it daily. 

15. Stay on budget- FOR SURE! I killed it in June. Yay me!

Now, in July...

1. Handle the puppy situation- More on that arrival later... we don't have her yet, so I'm waiting to get super excited until I actually pick it up. You never know what's going to happen.

2. Deal with school childcare hurdles... whatever that looks like- I'll spare you the insanely boring, incredibly stressful details.

3. Handle my school district's decision on how to return with grace, empathy, and determination- my son's district plans on a full physical return, tentatively on 8/11, but my district hasn't decided yet.

4. Caulk the mother-effing shower

5. Sew more masks- I have some real issues with needing to match, so if I return to the classroom I'm going to need more

6. Keep up the good work with yoga, running, and my budget

7. Read 10 books (again)

8. Get caught up on my year-in-review book

9. Keep trying to go to one wilderness park/large park/hiking trail a week- we have been for awhile and it's been a huge mood-booster. We are very safe, go early in the morning, come prepared with masks if needed, etc... It has been a cool way to see more of our area.

10. See a few friends for socially-distanced dates- I was able to do this last month and it's so great. 

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