
03 June 2015

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

Link up, link back, say hi! I apologize for the lack of pictures and proofreading. So busy. 

1. We have book club today in order to discuss The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. My official verdict: overrated. Not bad, but not great. I've been feeling people out and I think we're going to have a really wide spectrum of opinions. I hope people aren't afraid to speak their minds and explain their opinions; I think that sometimes it's easier to discuss books that not everyone can agree on. Nonetheless, it's always a pleasure to meet with colleagues, eat good food, and catch up outside of work.

2. Tonight is also graduation (so I work until noon, since it's finals, go to the department book club, pick up Sawyer, run home, hand him off to my MIL and hope that he is cool since he's been having some mild separation issues lately, and then go back to school). I don't have many seniors this year, so I signed up to work as an adjunct duty. I love graduations, especially at our school. They keep it relatively short and it's just so nice to see the kids feel so accomplished. There are some that are on their way to Ivy League schools, and then some that barely scraped by this semester. Nonetheless, they all made it! And it's awesome to see the families there, so excited for their seniors. It's a happy occasion and it's a pleasure to be a part of it.

3. This article on tips to be more efficient was a nice reinforcement of many things I already do and a reminder to get with the program on others.

4. I got the Starbuck app. Oops.

5. I read an article the other night (I can't find it now, dammit), while trying to put Sawyer back to sleep, about a man that talked about why he won't let his kids cry-it-out. It was worded so perfectly, and articulated my struggles clearly. But basically, bottom line, I personally (key word) can tolerate being tired so that my kid doesn't learn to accept that I'm not going to be there for him in the middle of the night when he needs me. He also raised a point about the first year or two not really being about discipline, but about creating a foundation. Again, this is me personally; if my kid was up every two hours, every night, for months on end I may be singing a totally different tune (one set to the screams of my kid learning how to frigging sleep). 

6. I love love love that Old Navy is selling Pride shirts. There is so much bigotry going on right now, especially with the Caitlyn Jenner story, so it's nice to see a huge company be supportive of different groups. ETA: I guess they've always done this, I've never seen. Even better! 

7. Yesterday I received the Anthro, Sur La Table, and Atheltica catalogs in one day. Talk about temptation! 

8. Can anyone recommend a good iced coffee maker?

9. Confession: I ordered tanning hearts for the summer instead of dealing with finding a bathing suit with cutouts. They were like $4. My husband said I'm acting like a teenager. I said- well, I won't say what I said.

10. One student day. One work day. Two meeting days. Si se puede. 


  1. Tanning hearts. I learn something new every day.

  2. I can't remember if I added that title by Sue Monk Kidd or if I've read anything by her before (perhaps, but I can't be sure) but it was just everywhere for a while...I think I'll skip it.

    Mmm, iced coffee...Wish there was a Starbucks closer to me...

  3. You're in a book club! Awesome! :) I did an online read-along once and that was fun but meeting up with people in the flesh to talk about books would be even more satisfying. Plus, good food!
