[Sawyer got used to flying this summer] |
Without a doubt, this has been the best summer I've ever had. I had a hard end personally to the school year, so I needed this to be an awesome summer. And it really, really was. Sawyer is at a great age (four!) and we were able to do a lot. I also took him to preschool a few days a week, so that he could be around little kids and so that I'd have some time to myself (or to get boring things done, like dentist appointments, car maintenance, cleaning, etc...). I think some people are surprised by this, which instantly makes me defensive, but it's good for him to see his friends and to stay familiar with the teachers' routines. And, I am on duty for pretty much every waking second he has, unless I am not at home, so I need an occasional breather- it makes me a better mom (see, SO DEFENSIVE).
Anyway, our trip to Banff was absolutely the highlight of my time off- Sawyer proved to be a great little traveler and Banff is just absolutely stunning. I also feel like I was able to do a variety of things during my eight-week break, which was important to me when considering our options. I did a lot with my son, both at home and other places, I saw my husband alone more, I hung out with friends often, and also had time to myself. I worked out almost every day, I read a lot, and I finally felt on top of domestic matters. We spent time in nature, at museums, at fun places likes theme parks and zoos, and also hung out at home. I'd love to have more time, but I can't complain! I am fortunate my profession allows the schedule it does and that I was able to plan financially to have fun. Fingers crossed we have a repeat in 2019! I've already started thinking about travel plans!
At the beginning of the summer I made a list of things I wanted to do, so now is the time to see how I did:
[Banff, Alberta, Canada] |
Go to...
1. Modesto (Y)
2. Canada (Y)
3. The San Diego Zoo (we have passes) (Y)
4. The Wild Animal Park (included in the above pass) (N)
5. Knott Berry Farm a few times (we have passes) (Y)
6. Big Bear (hopefully overnight with a friend, but if not just a day) (N)
7. The Broad (Sawyer has never been and I think he'd love it) (N, but we did two other art museums, so good enough)
8. A friend's wedding (it's a coworker and all the fun colleagues are going) (Y)
9. See the crazy umbrella alley in Redlands (N)
10. The Hollywood Bowl with friends for the Grease Sing-A-Long (Y)
11. Griffith Park (Sawyer has never been and I haven't been in a decade) (N)
12. Vegas (we are going for two nights and leaving Sawyer with my in-laws so we can go spend one night on the strip) (Y)
13. The beach (Sawyer has been asking almost daily) (Y)
14. A baseball game (Y)
15. See some movies (The Incredibles with Sawyer, Jurassic Park with Scott, and then maybe one or two on my own) (Y)
16. The Gail Honeyman event though Hello Sunshine (Y)
17. The Muppet's Exhibit at the Skirball Center (Y)
18. The Michael Chabon reading (Y)
[an author event, time to myself, and a anew bookstore!] |
Around the House:
1. Put up a gallery wall behind the staircase (Y)
2. Clean the ever-living-shit out of my house (Y)
3. Completely reorganize and clean out Sawyer's toys (Y)
4. Completely reorganize the treadmill/toy room (Y)
5. Paint an accent wall in the guest bedroom (yellow?) (Y)
6. Clean out the garage and break down ALL boxes (Y; until my husband added more)
7. Redo the shelving paper in the kitchen (hold me- I am scared) (N)
8. Have people over at least once (I love entertaining, but it just doesn't happen a lot) (Y; a few times)
9. Shampoo all the carpets (so glamorous, but it needs to get done) at the beginning of the summer and at the end (Y)
10. Look into having our travertine floor in the kitchen resealed and patched in a few areas (N)
[Wonderspaces in San Diego; one of four museums we went to] |
Self Goals:
1. Read 18 books (Y)
2. Tackle some tough/new recipes (Baked Alaska, Gnocchi, fondant) (Y)
3. Learn to BBQ! (and master the art of the BBQed pizza) (Y)
4. Update some things here on the ol' blog (Y)
5. Have at least 4 ALONE days (this is where those preschool days will really help) (Y)
6. Yoga an average of twice a week (N)
7. Make more of an effort to hang out with my husband (weeknights are so hard during the school year between my schedule and his) (Y)
8. See friends on average of once a week (luckily most of my friends are teachers) (Y)
9. Watch TV (seriously) (Y... sort of...)
10. Finish a cross-stitching project or two (Y)
11. Work on writing project (I'm not going to set a specific goal, I just want to feel good about the progress) (N)
12. Catch up on my yearly family photo book (N)
13. Go to a new bookstore (Y)
14. Get rid of clothes (N)
15. Finally apply to be an IB scorer (N)
16. Finally try out Orangetheory (N)
[the LACMA] |
1. Help Sawyer make progress with letter recognition (Y)
2. Appointments: dentist and physical (Y)
3. Work on bike-riding skills (the kid has weak legs- he needs to do squats) (N- too hot!)
4. Try to eliminate the swimming fear (N; we went backwards and then back to where we were, though)
5. Practice penmanship (Y)
6. Do some more science experiments (Y)
[it's me! In Vegas!] |
I go back to work on Monday and while I was set to make a whole new list of goals for August like I usually do each month, I've decided to just let myself ease back into things and do the best I can. So many of the things I truly care about happen no matter what- I have no issues working out, I always want to spend time with the people important to me, and I read like crazy. That isn't to say there aren't areas that I need to work on (eating habits, grading every day consistently, getting more sleep, etc...), because I definitely have many, but for a few weeks we'll see what happens (that may mean things are predictably slow around here, as well, unless I schedule a whole bunch of posts in the next few days). It's usually quite the transition getting back into the routine that forces me out of bed at 5:30 (I still get up early during the summer, but DAMN is lying out the couch much easier than looking professional and getting Sawyer and myself out the door). One day at a time, right?
Have a great weekend!