In a few weeks I will return to work and Sawyer to daycare, so I thought it would be fun to document what a typical day looks right now. I actually really enjoy reading these posts on other blogs, I guess we are all a bit nosey at the end of the day. Plus I really love looking back at the ones that I've done in the past to see how life has changed. Like the first one before I had a kid? Oh my. An hour on the couch reading blogs? Sheesh.
Typically, Sawyer and I are pretty busy during the week. I try to take one day to stay at home, do one or two "big" (Wild Animal Park, a trip to the science museum, etc...) outings a week, and then a few smaller, more local things, so that we are back for naps and often pool time as well. He does well out and about and I like to stay busy, so this sort of balance works well.
The other day was really typical for a "fun activity in the morning and get things done around the house day" with a two-year-old, so I thought it would work well for one of these posts.
6:50 am- Sawyer wakes me up. This is actually a miracle; usually he is up at 6, or earlier. Knock on wood, but he's been sleeping for a solid ten to ten-and-a-half hours for several weeks now and it has been a life-saver for me. I have slept better this summer than I have since he was born.
7:00-8:30 I had a really hard time getting moving today, since I was up sneezing my head off and praying I wasn't getting sick until late the night before. Nonetheless, the show must go on. We have breakfast, I feed the dogs, unload the dishwasher, and I write out my to-do list while drinking coffee. I write a to-do list of some sort every single day, always.
8:30-9:00 Chores: laundry, vacuuming, tidying up
9:00-9:30 I put the gate up in Sawyer's room so he can play while I get ready for the day. When I'm ready I get him dressed as well. We are usually up and dressed much earlier, but this is just how it worked out today/
9:30-11:15 We drive to an indoor trampoline park called Sky Zone and spend an hour jumping. It's so much fun- for $8 we can both jump and he actually gets the concept now, so it's a blast watching him hop around and fall. I get in a good little work out as well.
11:15-12:00 We say good bye to the trampolines and head to the grocery store so I can buy the ingredients for some treats to take to a friend's house the next day and and a few things I need for dinner.
12:00-1:00 Sawyer and I have lunch (lately we've been doing a "snack lunch" sort of hodgepodge for him, since he can be picky. I made him a plate with crackers, blueberries, yogurt, string cheese, and pepperoni and he tried some of everything, which is all I ask). After we eat we make Golden Graham S'mores Bars for tomorrow.
1:00-1:30 Get Sawyer down for a nap (read a few stories and then he insists on holding my hand through his crib until he nods off; I'm sure I'm probably like setting him up for a life of sleeping failures, but it's super cute and he's still falling asleep on his own, quietly, in his bed, SO I'LL TAKE IT) and get ready to work out.
1:30-3:00 Thirty minutes on the treadmill (some jogging, some sprinting, some slow hill walking), twenty-five minutes of restorative yoga, and thirty minutes floating around the pool with my book.
3:00-4:00 Sawyer wakes up, but when I go to get him I can tell he's still sleepy. We sit in his rocker and he falls asleep on me, so I just sit in there and read.
4:00-4:30 The kid is up, so we eat ice cream and play with LEGOS and his magnet board (he has gotten so much use out of this!).
4:30- 5:30 Sawyer keeps playing while I clean the hell out of my kitchen. Every once in awhile I take a break and play with him and every once in awhile he takes a break and grabs a towel to "scrub" something. We have a good thing going.
5:30-6:00 Play around with Sawyer and the dogs, switch laundry over, check the mail.
6:00-7:30 Make Sawyer's dinner (chicken and mashed potatoes) and ours, for when Scott comes home later (Honey Balsamic Peach and Chicken that was delicious, with couscous. This meal had a lot more prep than I might typically choose to do, but it's summer so I have the flexibility at night).
7:30-8:00 Walk dogs while Scott and Sawyer play. It's been way too hot to do this lately, and Scott is usually home a bit later, but tonight it all works.
8:00-8:30 Bathe Sawyer, clean up toys together, put him to bed.
8:30-10:30 Shower, watch Love with Scott on Netflix, go to bed.
10:30-11:00 Lay in bed and think/worry about things I can't do anything about until tomorrow. Par for the course...
That magnet board is a great idea! Is it just a regular magnetic/white board and you have your own magnets? I just bought Sully a magnetic alphabet learning toy that is supposed to go on the fridge and he loves it, and then the other day I noticed it scratched the shit out of my stainless steel fridge. ARGH. I'm so mad, but I felt bad packing the toy up. I will have to get something like this.
ReplyDeleteI agree - these are my favourite types of posts to read. I like to see how other spend and organize their days!