
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

I have a hunch that my comments might not be working, unless maybe you have a blogger or google account? I had someone mention it and when I went in to test it the comment didn't get published unless I was logged it (despite having it set up differently). I checked all my settings today and everything was right, so I'm confused. TBD... If you are trying to comment and it's not going through send me a message on Twitter.

I am trying to get outside thirty minute a day, which is pretty easy most of the time. The days where it's not convenient is when I really have to make an effort, and probably when I need it the most. Even if it's just reading with a cup of coffee while Sawyer is at preschool or hanging out with him while he plays in the water- it all counts. 

July means it is time for business- all the things I have put off for the last year need to happen in the next month. Deep cleaning, bathroom refreshing, appointments, etc... It's gotta happen. 

I almost got a puppy a week or two ago. I still have extremely mixed feelings... I saw a three-month-old lab/German Shepherd mix up for adoption nearby. It was adorable, the right size, and the right age. But, there were a lot of cons- it was a $400 adoption fee, plus inevitble costs in the near future (exams, vaccinations, spaying, etc...), and the fact that having a puppy basically tethers you to your home for awhile. So, I decided it wasn't the right time for me and withdrew my lengthy application about two hours after I submitted it. 

Friend dates are a huge priority for me this summer and I'm trying to make plans with a friend or two each week. Being social makes me so much happier and I have more than enough time to see everyone I love. 

I've been trying to not buy new books, but I caved in and ordered Samin Nosrat's Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat after watching the series on Netflix and listening to her on The Armchair Expert. I actually think I might actually read it cover to cover- even after glancing at it for a few minutes I can tell it's an absolute wealth of information and the illustrations are so beautiful.

After having a few low-key days after our vacation, things are getting busy again. Tomorrow my husband and I are going to see Yesterday while Sawyer is at preschool (he goes 2-3 days a week while I am off... it's a happy medium for us both) and then in the evening we are going to go to a local AAA baseball game so we can see the post-game fireworks. We don't have plans on the Fourth (except maybe the splash pad? If it's open?) except to grill at home and probably eat our body weights in brownie ice cream sandwiches. Friday we Sawyer and I have plans to go to a friend's house, Saturday we are off to visit family, and Sunday we're off to the zoo. Phew! Monday and Tuesday are going to be recovery days, that's for sure (minus the dentist and doctor appointments Sawyer has... oh joy).

I just started Cormac McCarthy's No Country For Old Men and I forgot how much I love him. I've had a few male students read it over the years and they always push me to read it... finally, I'm taking their advice! 


  1. Hi I have just posted my first ever Thursday thought at https://thebookgeordie.home.blog/2019/07/04/bookish-and-not-so-bookish-thoughts-on-a-thursday/ would be so grateful if you could check it out!!

  2. In order to comment on Blogger sites, I have to use Google Chrome as my Browser. Here are my MY BOOKISH & NOT SO BOOKISH THOUGHTS
