
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

1. I am currently squared off with my child, who is holding fast to his belief that Kraft Mac and Cheese is better than the homemade stuff I made for dinner tonight. He is an incredibly picky eater and lately I've moved to a policy where I give him less food, but he has to eat all of it. I know 11 out of 10 experts would agree this isn't the way to go, but eff them all, it's working for us. I don't have extensive "how many more bites?" conversations anymore and the expectation is there from the get go. 

2. Last night I went out for dinner with my friend, just the two of us, at all of the sudden we realized that three and a half hours had gone by the and restaurant was closing. She and I hang out regularly, but it's usually with Sawyer, so it was nice to actually have complete conversations for once. Anyway, it was just what the doctor ordered. Getting up was a tiny but hard this morning, especially at 5:20, but it was totally worth it.

3. I am currently reading Samin Nosrat's Salt Fat Acid Heat right now, cover-to-cover, and I adore it. I have only done this one or two other times, with Christina Tosi's books, but this one is for sure making me a better cook. I can't wait to try out some of her recipes. 

4. I'm also reading Rebecca Makkai's short story collection, Music for Wartime, and it's just so superbly delightful. As with The Great Believers, she's just so precise with her characters, plot, and writing. It feel like a privilege to read her prose.  

5. I have earmarked next week to be do some things around the house that I've basically been dreading. Our master bath needs cabinets restained, paint freshened, and the caulking redone. My pantry needs shelving paper, insurance needs to be resubmitted again (because they are directly aligned with Satan), and my garage needs to be cleaned up as well (luckily it's not so bad). Then, the week after that will be my final week off and I'll have some time to relax and have once more. I am not one of those teachers that goes in to work early or spends time lesson-planning. 

6. This weekend is part central- Saturday my friend is having a birthday party for her small daughter and then Sunday is my cousin's bridal shower. The weather has been unseasonably cool for Southern California (last year July had already seen a day that reached 117, meanwhile we have only hit 100 once), so it should be a nice weekend for events. 


  1. Hey guys I am a Geordie and predominately blog about books. But todays not so bookish thought I thought I would enlighten you in some common Geordie lingo. Check it out: https://thebookgeordie.home.blog/2019/07/18/geordie-lingo/

  2. I'm not a mother so I know I don't GET an opinion, but your meal time solution makes sense to me. I mean, who decided humans would eat three meals a day, roughly 5 or 6 hours apart? What if we're not hungry at 7am, Noon, and 6pm? Maybe today I'm hungry and want to eat a ton of food but tomorrow, not so much. It's gotta be hard to be a kid and have your parents tell you not only WHAT you have to eat but HOW MUCH you have to eat,because they're afraid you'll starve to death or at least be malnurished. Why can't humans graze like other animals throughout the day? But yah, your way makes sense to me. You give him smaller amounts that are more manageable and then if he's still hungry he can ask for more, please.
