
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

1. I know I wrote about it last week, but I've been making plans again, safely, and it feels so good. Between that, lots of Etsy orders, tons of work, etc... it almost feels like pre-Covid right now. It's so nice. To think, a year ago I was wiping down groceries, and in a few weeks my family is going  TO DISNEYLAND is crazy (we had tickets left from a multi-day pass from early 2020 so we got dibs on reservations. We are SUPER careful, but it still feels weird. Considering the park is at insanely reduced capacity and Scott and I will be fully vaccinated we feel good. Sawyer is a pro at wearing his mark, social distancing, and hand-washing, so while it feels SO wrong to be planning on this, it also feels really, really, really good and positive for our family). 

2. I just finished Infinite Country and really, really enjoyed it. There has been so many novels published that look at immigration in the US and this one did a great job of examining it in a slightly different way. 

3. I have finally gotten in a better rhythm and routine with concurrent teaching. I have 100 minute blocks (we were only 58 minutes pre-covid), so I try to divide the time up into three lessons, plus a block for a quick break and independent work time. I've been finding out better ways for the kids to interact and they've been giving me some positive feedback (I sent an anonymous survey asking for input, concerns, things they like, and it was so helpful- they were so kind and I have been trying to integrate some of their ideas). 

4. Sawyer is new to his school this year, and they've been back in person for about five or six week (they've gone back more this week and there aren't anymore cohorts, so his class have about 20 kids). He's made a new friend and I guess the boy's family has been waiting a ways from school so the two can walk together. So cute! I was definitely worried about him socially, since he knew no one, but he has been doing great (he is a complete social butterfly, so I don't know why I was worried).

5. Please don't tell anyone, but after being at home for a year I occasionally miss my family a teeny tiny bit during the day. But then I get to eat lunch in peace and I remember how much I love being back at work. 

6. My sister is with us and it's so nice to have her around. We walk in the afternoon together and now that we get to venture out into the world a bit more it's been great to have a adult company with me when we go places (like a regional park last weekend, picture above). 


  1. So jelly of your sister time!

    Mine is here: https://julzreads.com/2021/04/15/bookish-and-not-so-bookish-thoughts-48/

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