And That's All She Wrote

Back in 2010 I started this blog as a way to distract myself from the infamous teacher pink-slipping that plagued districts far and wide in California. Since then I've had a child, bought a house, traveled, endured a pandemic, had dogs, read so many books, taught about 2000 students, seen dozens of authors speak, and have tried to live the best life I’ve been able to, no matter what the circumstances.

My blogging has dropped off quite a bit over the last few years, due to how busy life has been and the general slide over to different platforms for the bookish community. I’ve always loved keeping this space afloat and have never felt a lot of pressure to post a certain number of times or promote specific books.

Over the last few weeks I've had a change of heart and I’ve decided to say goodbye to this little corner of the internet. There are many reasons, but at the end of the day it’s just… time. I won’t close the site, since I want to keep this snapshot of my life and I’m not discounting the occasional return. I will be keeping my bookstagram account, @bookishlyboisterous , so follow along there!

To those who have read and commented over the years, I appreciate you so much.

Happy reading!


  1. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for years. I commented on IG, too…I’m sad to see the blog go, but I’m glad you’ll keep posting over there!

  2. Never, me sassy lass. That ain't all she
    ROTE. Eternity awaits, justNworthy
    liege. Follow me to Heaven and we'll
    RITE for the lengthNbreadth O eternity:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, miss gorgeous...

  3. Your commitment to delivering quality content is truly commendable.
