
25 Days of Christmas Reading

When I was little my siblings and I had a felt advent calendar that my mom made that we would take turns doing every day. We'd carefully apply tape to the back and place whatever little shape was in the day's pouch onto the Christmas scene above. It was adorable. In fact, we were all about Christmas traditions growing up, so much so that I tend to feel very nostalgic (and borderline homesick) every year at Christmas time. We'd put up the tree and other decorations after Thanksgiving, we'd drive down the festively lit Christmas Tree Lane, we'd decorate Christmas cookies, we'd go to the Christmas Eve service at the church we used to attend (despite none of us really being religious). Every year my mom bought us a new ornament to add to our collection, which now resides on my tree. My family had basically no disposable income, but we made it work.

So now I have this kid of mine and it's time for me to start putting in place some of our own traditions. I'll of course buy him an ornament every year, we'll see Santa, we already put up our tree, and we've planned a few other local outings. But the one I'm most excited about is the once inspired by the advent calendar I mentioned above- I'm going to read a Christmas book to Sawyer every day. 

I know. Super creative. I am such a special little snowflake. I'm sure no mother has ever done this before (except all the ones on Pinterest who not only do this, every year, but also package everything neatly in a box along with pajamas, organic hot chocolate, and lots and lots and lots of love).

Luckily, I have gobs of Christmas books back from my elementary school teaching days (I always used to save my classroom Scholastic points for them). I did buy some more, though, to round out the number, and because there are some super cute ones that have come out since then. 

What we'll be reading:


  1. Love this! My brother and I also got an ornament a year and I never realized growing up that the plan all along was for those ornaments to become our first little collection to take with us when we moved out -- they always got packed away with all the family Christmas stuff, so I didn't necessarily think of them as "mine." I've been wanting to do the same with my own kid(s) ever since though, so I guess I will be starting that next year -- when said kid will no longer be imaginary!

    1. That's so exciting that next year you'll have a baby! Congratulations!

  2. Oh, I LOVE this idea. So much so, that I think I'm going to steal it (and give you full credit of course!). I'm anxious to start some new traditions with Sully as well, but I haven't put too much thought into yet. This is something I can commit to though as I've already started him a collection of books for each holiday :)

  3. This is a great idea. I will have to do this when I have kids. Love your book choices too! I love the ornament thing as well. Holiday traditions are always fun. :)
