
Summer Plans

I hate the phrase "bucket list" and think that's thrown around way too liberally these days. Originally it was intended for when you were going to, you know, KICK THE BUCKET. As in die. As in cease to exist. I know I am completely outnumbered on this one, but I don't care. So, this isn't my "summer bucket list," it's just a huge list of things I want do do with the eight weeks I have off. 

[Rant over]

It's no secret that I need to stay busy to stay sane and that I like experiencing new things and places both alone and with others. I also know that it's important to just be home, though, to relax and so that Sawyer has plenty of time to play with toys and experience that childhood necessity, boredom. I'm keeping all of that in mind. He's going to preschool two-ish days a week to keep up with their routine, see his friends, and give me a break to do what I need to do, so that will be good for both of us. The place were he's at focuses more on fun enrichment activities during summer, which makes me feel a tiny bit less guilty about it. 

The idea of a summer wasted makes me incredibly anxious, so I have to plan ahead of time; it's who I am. So, this massive list is really just for me to have for my own benefit and if it sparks ideas for others than awesome! (If you are from Southern California or are planning on visiting, I have written more extensively about fun things to do with families here).

Here we go! Summer 2018!

Go to... 
1. Modesto
2. Canada
3. The San Diego Zoo (we have passes)
4. The Wild Animal Park (included in the above pass)
5. Knott Berry Farm a few times (we have passes)
6. Big Bear (hopefully overnight with a friend, but if not just a day)
7. The Broad (Sawyer has never been and I think he'd love it)
8. A friend's wedding (it's a coworker and all the fun colleagues are going)
9. See the crazy umbrella alley in Redlands 
10. The Hollywood Bowl with friends for the Grease Sing-A-Long 
11. Griffith Park (Sawyer has never been and I haven't been in a decade)
12. Vegas (we are going for two nights and leaving Sawyer with my in-laws so we can go spend one night on the strip)
13. The beach (Sawyer has been asking almost daily)
14. A baseball game 
15. See some movies (The Incredibles with Sawyer, Jurassic Park with Scott, and then maybe one or two on my own)
16. The Gail Honeyman event though Hello Sunshine 
17. The Muppet's Exhibit at the Skirball Center 
18. The Michael Chabon reading 

Around the House:
1. Put up a gallery wall behind the staircase
2. Clean the ever-living-shit out of my house
3. Completely reorganize and clean out Sawyer's toys
4. Completely reorganize the treadmill/toy room
5. Paint an accent wall in the guest bedroom (yellow?)
6. Clean out the garage and break down ALL boxes
7. Redo the shelving paper in the kitchen (hold me- I am scared)
8. Have people over at least once (I love entertaining, but it just doesn't happen a lot)
9. Shampoo all the carpets (so glamorous, but it needs to get done) at the beginning of the summer and at the end
10. Look into having our travertine floor in the kitchen resealed and patched in a few areas 

Self Goals:
1. Read 18 books
2. Tackle some tough/new recipes (Baked Alaska, Gnocchi, fondant)
3. Learn to BBQ! (and master the art of the BBQed pizza)
4. Update some things here on the ol' blog
5. Have at least 4 ALONE days (this is where those preschool days will really help)
6. Yoga an average of twice a week 
7. Make more of an effort to hang out with my husband (weeknights are so hard during the school year between my schedule and his) 
8. See friends on average of once a week (luckily most of my friends are teachers)
9. Watch TV (seriously)
10. Finish a cross-stitching project or two 
11. Work on writing project (I'm not going to set a specific goal, I just want to feel good about the progress)
12. Catch up on my yearly family photo book 
13. Go to a new bookstore 
14. Get rid of clothes 
15. Finally apply to be an IB scorer 
16. Finally try out Orangetheory 

1. Help Sawyer make progress with letter recognition
2. Appointments: dentist and physical
3. Work on bike-riding skills (the kid has weak legs- he needs to do squats)
4. Try to eliminate the swimming fear
5. Practice penmanship 
6. Do some more science experiments

Who knows if all of this will happen, but I can sure try! 

1 comment:

  1. Reading this list almost makes me dizzy! Everything sounds so fun though. I don't have it in me to attempt a list this long with a 3-year old, but it is definitely inspiring me to look for a few new things to do this summer other than the usual playgrounds, pool, and library -- so thank you for that!
