
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

1. I just started Susan Orlean's The Library Book, about the fire at the Los Angeles Public Library, and am loving it! What took me so long?

2. Speaking of Orlean, I will be seeing her at the LA Times Festival of Books this weekend, along with a few other authors I am really excited about. I'm going with two of my good friends, both fellow English teachers, and I know it will be a great day out. 

3. If you have any sort of appreciation for sort of folksy-rock check out the Strumbellas new album. So good.

4. I may have been rejected for the Half Dome lottery, but my friend invited me on a hike she got permits for in Zion this summer and it looks like I can go! The hike itself seems pretttttty intense, but I've always wanted to get up there and this looks like the perfect excuse. 

5. I am completely into spring cleaning right now, like I have never been before. You're going to be able to eat off any surface in my home at this rate.

6. I have been doing the state testing with my students every period this week and it is so monotonous and boring. I'm getting papers graded, but it's hard staying quiet and watching them all day every day. And there are still two or three more days to go. 

7. Last weekend's trip to The Broad was excellent- Sawyer and I had a great time checking out the art.

8. In case you can't tell by the brevity of this post, I am exhausted on every single level, in terms of sleep, my body, my mind, and my emotions. I need about twelve hours of sleep, followed my a huge cup of coffee. 


  1. The Festival of Books sounds good...and while the thought of spring cleaning makes my muscles ache, I do need to clear out closets, etc.

    Enjoy resting up...and here are MY BOOKISH & NOT SO BOOKISH THOUGHTS

  2. The Festival of Books sounds amazing! Have a great time and I hope you get some time to unwind and relax!

    Here are my Bookish and Not So Bookish Thoughts
