January's Goals:
1. Stay off the scale: No I was SO good about this until January 26th. This was the longest I have ever gone since I was probably about eleven not weighing myself at least three or four times a week, so while I still didn't officially accomplish this task, I still am proud. I was able to drop a few pounds to start off the year, so that made "failing" a little easier (the Christmas peanut butter balls are gone and more running!).
2. Book mini-vacations: Yes! I booked a hotel at The Cosmopolitan for a night with my mom later this month in Vegas and then three nights at The Tenaya Lodge (my favorite) in Yosemite over spring break for Sawyer and I (my husband has to work, so it's just me and the little guy). I am SO excited for both! We might head back to Vegas for a wedding in April, but I think for that trip we will stay at my in-laws' home, so no booking required.
3. House things: Yup! I have continued working on organizing some things in small chunks, added another print to our floating shelves gallery, and have started looking at rugs. I also had a second opinion out for our HVAC issues.
1. Be 10k ready- I am running a 10k the first weekend in March and should be ready to go. I ran almost four miles straight at a good-for-me pace last weekend, so I think I'm headed in the right direction.
2. Friendly thoughtfulness- There is SO much negativity in my life right now, much of it due to what is happening in the world. I am so thankful to run in circles full of people with similar beliefs, but we're all mad as hell right now and it can be a little damaging to the psyche. So, I want to take some time to send some Valentine's Day cards or little gifts or whatever to friends.
3. 50 blog comments- This is my biggest area of weakness as a blogger, and I always feels so guilty. You guys write great stuff but because I read posts in blogger while I'm like walking from my classroom to the copy room I don't always respond. I'm trying to be better.
4. Catch up on grading by break- I am actually in the best grading position I've been in since Sawyer was born, so I want to make sure to hold on to that so I can spend my February break relaxing (yes, that's a thing in our district; our attendance was down so severely between the two Monday holidays that they took a week of our summer and inserted in the middle of this month). A class set of essays would be permissible, but nothing more.
5. Picture-related tasks- Back up phone, back up computer, do January in my year-in-review book, swap out some of the framed pictures around the house. That's actually four things in one, so advanced back-patting for hopefully doing them all.
I need to print a couple pictures for frames I bought in December. I keep forgetting. lol I should try and remember to do that this week. I think it is more I have to decide what pictures to use and then print them. I am just being lazy.