
Seven Years of Blogging (+Giveaway)

Seven years ago today I started this blog, during the height of, well, everyone starting blogs. I was resistant to do so for precisely this reason, but possible unemployment was looming, thanks to the lovely state of California RIFing teachers, and I needed A Project. So, Bookishly Boisterous was created. 

At first the posts were completely about books, but over years I started adding in more personal posts, as well as the occasional one about food, fitness, vacations, etc... Initially I felt like a traitor to my self-prescribed writing subject, but I was quick to realize that it didn't matter, no one was paying me to post and that this space of the internet was mine to dictate. And that, right there, is why I keep blogging. Not to say I don't appreciate the community, because I do. Getting comments is great, reading other peoples' posts is often interesting and informative, and interacting on social media with other like-minded people is fun. But, honestly, if no one read I think I'd still keep doing this. Having a blog motivates to me write about what I'm passionate about, something I probably wouldn't do otherwise.

Is this blog perfect? Far from. There are typos aplenty (hello, most days I barely have time to post and give the final product a quick read-through), I am horrible at replying to comments (I really am sorry), and there is often no consistency regarding when I post (although I do aim for at least three times a week). I will once in awhile allude to things going on in my personal life and don't elaborate, but, frankly, I don't have to  and with my students occasionally finding the blog I have to be careful. I am also aware my photographs are generally mediocre, my template outdated, and the search terms list out of control. I'm also terrible at publicizing posts on social media.

But, there are things I am proud of. I have never abandoned the blog, not even when moving, having a baby, feeling buried by work, or while tackling other challenges life has thrown my way. I feel like I've stayed true to my voice and opinions, but have done so in a respectful way to others who may disagree (see: politics and author criticism). I don't post just to post, and I put thought into my content. I am pleased that I've never made posting a chore for myself and that it's always stated really, really enjoyable. I've also been really realistic- I don't expect to ever become a professional blogger, make money at this, or acquire thousands of readers. 

So, what's next for my little corner of the interwebs? Probably the same. For the past year or so I've wanted to get into longer, essay-style posts, just to challenge myself as a writer, but that has yet to come to fruition. I've also wanted to write more about my plans for writing a novel, but I'm not going to bore you with posts entitled "I've Been Doing Some Thinking" and "Day 453: Still Nothing on Paper." So, I'll just keep rolling and doing what I can.

And, in order to thank all of you kind people that have read over the years, or have at least glanced at the posts and skimmed, I have a giveaway. To be honest, the only reason why I'm doing this is because I ended up with two of these books on accident, but the timing with this post worked out. So, to win your very own copy of Roxane Gay's Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body leave a comment below (you don't have to have an account, it will let you comment as a guest). I'll pick a random winner next Thursday. 


  1. You had me at "free book." ;-) Honestly, I enjoy reading your posts, especially to figure out what to read next. Your taste and mine are very close when it comes to literary fiction. (And, not to be a third wheel, but I would love to tag along sometime for a future author reading.) -Jaymee

  2. I love your blog. RIP to my blog. Congrats for keeping it going. Maybe I will win!

  3. I'm right there with you on blogging...I write my blog because I like to write it, not for clicks. Maybe I'm biased, but I think that comes through in writing and is why many of the blogs (like yours) that I follow seem to have that kind of mindset. And Hunger is a book I've been super interested in reading so I'd be pretty psyched if I won your giveaway :)

  4. I really enjoy your blog...we have similar reading tastes and you are a refreshingly honest parent. Would be totally psyched if I won this book. Thanks!

  5. WOW congrats on 7 years! I had not realized you'd been doing this that long :)

    (You can skip this comment for the giveaway though -- I listened to Bad Feminist on audio and would go the same route for this one.)

  6. I've been reading your blog for a few years now, but I rarely comment. I always appreciate your book reviews, and I like to see a little bit of your personal life strewn in. I started reading "healthy living" blogs in their heyday, and now I cringe at the over-sharing, curated lives they post about. I like that you have stayed true to books, and with the little (appropriate) glimpses of your life it's not corporate or boring.
