
When Reading and Embroidery Collide

If you’ve been around for the past few months you’ll have noticed that I’ve taken up embroidery with gusto. Recently, I started a new bookish embroidery project that will span the entire year, thanks to some inspiration from a fellow stitcher, Amanda, whom you can find on Insta at @americanroseemrboidery. She stitches a symbol from whatever book she’s just finished on one big hoop, which I thought was a simple, visual way to track what has been read, all the while combining two hobbies at once. I’ll probably post my updates once a month, but I had to play catch up in February, since was a little late to the party. I can’t wait to see where this goes (and whether or not I can space and size things so that it looks full, but not too full, by the end of 2019!

[follow along on Instagram! @daily_floss_]

zzz: The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker
trees: The Overstory by Richard Powers
bug: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
city/thermometer: Severance by Ming La
happy face: Watchman by Alan Moore
bench: Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday
?: Motherhood by Sheila Heti
South African flag: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
scales: The Truth We Hold by Kamala Harris
stick figures: The Perfect Nanny by Leila Slimani
record: The Leavers by Lisa Ko
rock climber: Alone on the Wall by Alex Honnold
pregnant mom: The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson

(I love that the pregnant lady kind of looks like she’s wearing a body-con dress- one hot mama!)

Tell me! Have you done any cool projects with your books before? Julie has, that’s for sure!


  1. I love this idea. It's not something I could do (turning up a hem is about as far as I can go when it comes to sewing) but I love the idea of tracking your reading in a different way

  2. I love this! Linking you up to a blog I'm posting about new cross stitch projects :)
