
May Goals, Plus April, Revisited

The treadmill is beckoning from across the room, so I'm going to make this fast. I did pretty well with my goals this month: 

Buy a new phone- Nope! I've decided to just wait to deal with it until summer. The one I have is fine and I'm being horribly over-dramatic, so it's been tabled.

Finish and ship all Etsy orders- Yes! All seven orders, six being custom, have been sent out into the world. I also squeezed in a gift for a friend. 

Get a few health issues under control- Thank goodness! Yup! I had some issues with my eyes that are a million times better and I will hopefully be in the clear after my recheck later this week. I also had a stomach issue that improved dramatically with a round of medicine, so I am a happy camper. 

Make sure Sawyer had a great birthday- Yup! We had a great weekend. His friend dropped by a surprise gift on Saturday and then on his actual birthday Scott and I took him to walk around the beach and we did gifts, cake, lots of family FaceTime, and his favorite dinner. 

Step up my skin care- Yes again! I am not getting any younger, so I've slowly built up a good routine that hopefully will prolong the inevitable. 

Stay away from a really negative Facebook page associated with my son's school- Yes! I really don't have time for that toxicity, anyway. 2021 has been a much happier place on the Internet, so any little change that adds to it is awesome. 

Now, May:

Finish the school year without losing my mind- I like to make my goals easily quantifiable, and trust me- for a teacher this is

Have fun doing fun things- I feel like May marks my return into the world. Every weekend is pretty booked and I am beyond thrilled.

Two non-Etsy embroidery hoops- I love that people trust me to create things for them, but I have been itching to try out a few of my own ideas. One of these things needs to be updating my book hoop. All I have done is January- and these really aren't that time-consuming! It just gets pushed back first, I guess. 

Keep running with Ellie- I have converted 4-5 of our daily morning walks to at least partial runs, and I want to maintain that (for both of our sakes)

Finish rereading Jane Eyre- I really do enjoy it, I just can't always read it in huge chunks or I get sleepy

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