
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

Hey! It's me! I'm back from an incredibly busy stretch of the summer. Since we last chatted, I have:
- taken Sawyer aquarium
- had two book clubs
- chauffeured Sawyer to and from art camp for a week
- drove to the Bay Area to pick up my sister and while there spent the day in San Francisco 
- spent a day in La Jolla with Sawyer and my sister
- had a park reading date with the above two
- did eight miles of hiking with friends in Big Bear (our Half Dome trip was canceled because of a fire, but we rallied and made the best out of it!)
- met family for the day in San Louis Obispo, which is four hours a day

I started back at work yesterday and was quickly reminded as to how much planning goes into being a working mom, if things need to run smoothly. Luckily this happens every single year and I rapidly acclimate to the rush of work days (Sawyer hasn't even started school again yet, nor do I have any grading! That's when the true craziness begins.

My husband and I got to go out to a non-child-friendly restaurant in a different city last night, since my sister is in town. And in a few weeks we get to go out again, since we finally found a babysitter. A miracle!

I am about 100 pages into Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin and I love it so much. Don't be put off by the synopsis- it's really great and not about videogames.

I read seven books last month- all of them were really solid except Cult Classic. I definitely prefer Sloane Crosley's essays. 

I'm kind of at a standstill in terms of how I want to handle reviews here and on Instagram. I've tried doing quick little bullet points and monthly round ups, but nothing really sticks. Honestly, I think I'm probably just going to do whatever I feel like! Definitely a round-up picture/post, but maybe just mention the ones I really like or have time for. 

We finally caught up with Yellowstone and this is totally the fastest I have watched anything since Sawyer was born- I love the show so much I'll probably start re-watching episodes on the treadmill. All I know is that I wish there was a little more Beth in me, because there are have needed some of her sass. 

So, how did I do on the list of things I needed to finish up before ending the summer? 

- finish six books (YUP)
- finish current embroidery project (NOPE)
- embroider a necklace (I have these little sort of metal settings that are clearly hard to describe) (YES, but redoing) 
- have a fun weekend in the bay area/SF when driving up to get my sister (YUP)
- have loose ideas for the first week and a half with students (YUP)
- do some boring yard work (YUP)
- Half Dome ready (I need to go to REI, stay active, etc...) (YUP, but didn't actually go)


  1. "I am about 100 pages into Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin and I love it so much. Don't be put off by the synopsis- it's really great and not about videogames."

    Thank you! I jumped over to Goodreads and that book is already on my TBR. I noticed the wait time was pretty long so I went to reserve an ebook. I got a popup saying "You may borrow this title NOW but only for 7 days. If you want to borrow it for a longer period of time, place a hold!"

    Normally I would jump on that 7 day deal and read it now, BUT I already have a few books lined up to read so I went ahead and placed a hold.

    All your recently accomplished adventures sound fun, fun, fun!

  2. That is incredibly busy...but also sounds fun...and it prompted some reflection of some of my own summer days and nights this past week
