
Two Audiobooks and Two Podcasts

Over the years I've moved into someone who only listens to music in the car to someone who now splits the time with podcasts and audiobooks. When Sawyer is in the car with me we stick to music, since I can't focus on much with all the chatting, but when he is not I often to listen to what he calls my "talking books." Here are a few things I've listened to and enjoyed lately that I thought I'd pass on, in case you've missed them:

Slow Burn, Season 2- These nine episodes take a deeper look into the Clinton impeachment, focusing on Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp. I was in high school when all of this originally went down, so I knew the basics, kinda sorta. I blew through these in just a few days, mostly on my solo trip from Vegas to Zion and back. 

Armchair Expert, Experts on Experts: Elizabeth Gilbert- I wasn't exactly a huge fan of Eat, Pray, Love, or Big Magic, for that matter, but I loved the idea of an author being on the show, so I listened. She was absolutely delightful and fascinating. 

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb- I listened to this audiobook about a therapist who went to therapy, after a sudden breakup. She discusses her own experiences as a patient and on the other side of the couch, both sides equally insightful. This book really caused me to do some reflection, and, long story short, my decade-long desire to go to therapy is even stronger now (I am too cheap to pay weekly copays, have no time, and am intimidated by the process of finding one). 

So Here's the Thing... Notes on Growing Up, Getting Older and Trusting Your Gut by Alyssa Matromonaco- I listened to her first book about her time working for Obama and absolutely adored it, so I couldn't wait to listen to this one. She didn't let me down- her candor, humor, and insights on being an independent woman are spot on. She isn't preachy, she isn't trying to be a self-help book, and she doesn't self-promote. Basically, I want to be her best friend. 

1 comment:

  1. I have some audible credits I need to use up, any suggestions for great books to listen to?
