

5... things about Labor Day Weekend
- I drove to Modesto super early Saturday morning for my sister's bridal shower. She's getting married next month, so I'll be back on the road before I know it
- I got lost in the country on the way to my other sister's new house, since she GAVE ME THE WRONG ADDRESS. It was actually kind of nice, since I passed by my mom's ex-boyfriend's dairy twice, saw where my old friend used to live, and drove by some people who let us swim in their pool when we were little (they had a slide, it was a really big deal). I didn't grow up in the country-proper, but in a subdivision on the outskirts of the town. It's the best of both worlds
- I have some SERIOUS issues with the Central Valley (see also: how do we get all the Larry Elder signs removed?), but that moment when I come down the 99 from the Grapevine and see the fields I get this super nostalgic "I'm home" feeling. A few minutes later I swore a crop duster was about to hit my car, I kid you not.
- For the first time in a year and a half I stayed in a hotel alone and for maybe the fourth time since having a kid and getting a new dog I slept "in" until 8 (not joking, I can count on one hand how many times I've slept in since Sawyer was born).
- I made my family of to my favorite taqueria and ice cream place, not that they seemed to mind

4... books I'm currently reading
- Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder
- Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
- The Molecule of More by Daniel Lieberman and Michael Long
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling 

3... things about fall I'm looking forward to
- cooler weather cooler weather cooler weather (and it hasn't been that hot)
- doing some of our normal Halloween things we didn't get to do last year (my husband and I have talked about how to do trick-or-treating, dressing up to go to Knott's Berry Farm, and a few other things safely and I believe we have arrived at a good plan) 
- hiking more! After getting in so many miles in Tahoe (over thirty over three days) with Sawyer I'm so ready to hit some local ones

2... books arriving tomorrow
- Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney (I feel so conflicted about Rooney...)
- Matrix by Lauren Groff (a true test of whether Groff can do no wrong) 

1... thing I might as well set a Google alert for, since I check alllllll day
- news on Pfizer submitting 5-11 vax data to the FDA. They said September, okay? 

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