
Fall Wishlist

ETA: I wrote this last month but am recycling it for The Broke and the Bookish's meme. 

I think the term "wishlist" is a bit deceiving, in all honesty. Yeah, I wish for what's on my book list, but it's not like I'm not not going to get them. You know? A two-hundred dollar Fossil bag or super overpriced dress from Anthropologie are definitely "wishlisty" items, but, let's face it, my book wish list is more of a "remember what to buy" list. So here's what I'll be spending some hard-earned cash on this fall when these books are finally released:

NW: A Novel by Zadie Smith- I loved On Beauty and have White Teeth and her collection of essays waiting to be read. I appreciate her position in literature- young(ish), feisty, and smart as hell.

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan- I saw this on another blog the other day and was instantly hooked on the idea of a mystery surrounding a bookstore opened all day. 

This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz- Since Oscar Wao and Drowned I have officially become a huge fan of Diaz. I don't even need to know what it's about.

Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan- I am a huge McEwan fan and thoroughly enjoyed going to his reading a few years ago. I know his last book Solar took a little heat (get it? Solar? Heat?), but I appreciated the environmental message behind it. It seems like this new one is maybe going to be a turn back towards some of his past novels. 

Telegraph Avenue by Michael Chabon- I'm also excited for his reading at the Hammer Museum in September. 

San Miguel by TC Boyle- Like I even have to say why...

The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling- While I don't think my expectations for her venture into adult writing is as high as some people's, I am curious to see how her writing shifts. 

Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver- In all honesty, I've never read anything by Kingsolver, but I know if I did I'd like her. I just know. I bought Animal, Vegetable, Miracle recently, and have plans to read The Poisonwood Bible and The Bean Trees at some point in my life. Plus, the plot summary really does some interesting. 

You know what I love? All 8 of these books in hard back cost less than the Fossil bag or the dress. And that, my friends, is why I love books more than pretty much anything else.


  1. I also plan on reading The Casual Vacancy. I can't wait to get it in the mail this September!

  2. Count me among the curious when it comes to Rowling's new book. I'm not a huge fan of adult lit (YA is more my thing), but I just don't think she is capable of writing a bad book. (Hopefully I'm not jinxing it!)*

  3. I'm interested in reading NW too.

  4. Great list! Haven't heard of most of those but they look great! :D My TTT

  5. We picked a lot of the same books. I am most looking forward to The Casual Vacancy.

  6. there is definitely some overlap with my list here. I've already read Telegraph Avenue, and I loved it. There is a short story version of Mr. Penumbra's online, which is fun and tempted me to read the full book.

  7. Three of your choices are on my list too :)
