
April, Plus March, Revisited

April! Hello! So many things happening this month! We just did Yosemite, I'm on spring break, my husband is going away for a weekend for a wedding (not gonna lie, looking forward to sitting in front of the like three episodes of This is Us I am behind on), we have Easter weekend, it's Sawyer's birthday in a few weeks, I get to go to an Elizabeth Warren reading, I might try to go to The Festival of Books in LA... and whatever else! We also have a lot of stuff going on at work, between our big state testing for juniors and our annual IB celebration. So, from where I'm standing here, April looks good.

Every month I recap on the previous month's goals and set some new intentions for the coming weeks. So, here's what March looked like:

1. Finish book club book in timely manner: YES I was done a whole thirty hours ahead of time, which is a record. Usually I am scrambling to finish as I walk out the door.

2. Blogging comments take 2: Sorta I didn't keep track (oops), but I definitely made more of an effort.

3. Adulting nonsense: Yup I cleared some boring things off my plate and ended up adding some more. Par for the course.

4. Look into... learning: Check! I just ordered a book on telomeres, so we're going to have some fun with science over here.

5. Strength training: Yeah... But I didn't specify how often or how long, so while I did throw in some short sessions I didn't do a killer job. So I am winning this one on a technicality. 


1. Use fewer plastic bags for food: I feel like we have gotten lazy lately and need to be better about keeping leftovers, and taking lunches, in pyrex or tupperware. 

2. Financial moderation: I am definitely not a shopper and am typically pretty financially conservative, but after our trip and other moderate unexpected expenses this year I need a month to just simply spend less. Not a financial diet, just some financial moderation.

3. Exercise diversification: I primarily get my exercise through ways that include steps, since I am constantly in work Fitbit challenges. So, basically, I walk a lot and run some. This month I want to make sure to do yoga five times and ride my bike on the indoor trainer five times. 

4. Update my phone: This practically involves therapy (what if it dies and everything is lost and I have to buy another phone and HELLO I have a "financial moderation" goal this month), so be patient with my melodrama.

5. Plan/start a super secret project: This does not involve getting pregnant, adding a new dog, changing anything at work, moving, plastic surgery, or anything else life-changing. I just can't say here but need to hold myself to getting it off the ground asap. 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, sounds intriguing, your super secret project ;) Good luck in starting it! =D
