
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

[pretend this is an awesome picture]

Spring break is over and we're back (just a day late due to a kid issue...) ! Please link up in the comments if you are participating!

1. During our car trip up North I listened to The Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy, which I absolutely loved. It was incredibly thought-provoking and made me almost uncomfortable reflective about my own life at times. I also started listening to How to Party with Infants by Kaui Hart Hemmings, which is fun and entertaining.

2. Right now my students and I are all suffering through Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, which I really wish we could remove from our curriculum for several reasons. I try to be honest with my kids- they know I love The Awakening and Things Fall Apart, but they know that Plath can be tiring for me and that I despise Heart of Darkness. But what I do instill in them, or at least try to, is that we can still appreciate literature that we don't particularly enjoy. 

3. This weekend is the calm before the storm- I don't have any definite plans other than household stuff and grading. After that the rest of month is pretty packed with Sawyer-related things, after-school work obligations, and an appointment or too. It should mostly be fun, but I'm going to try to enjoy being at home and getting some things done.

4. It finally occurred to me that I should have some sort of ID for Sawyer, since we are so often alone and he's too little to adequately articulate who he is, who I am, and how to get in touch with his parents. I ordered him a cool little Road ID, which will come in handy when we are at busy amusement parks or are on trips. He will think it's a FitBit like ours, so I think he'll be cool with it.

5. I subscribed to The New Yorker again. What was I thinking? There's no better way to make yourself feel like a failure than a weekly subscription to a dense magazine. The Junot Diaz article on his childhood trauma just killed me. 

6. A friend invited me to a concert at the Hollywood Bowl next month and while I was looking at the website I saw that they're bringing the Grease Sing-a-Long back! I almost died. I've wanted to go for years, but they haven't had it for the past year or so, so I assumed it was gone. Hopefully I can snag tickets as soon as they go on sale to the general public... 


  1. I hadn’t thought of the ID thing — thanks for mentioning it!

  2. I could NOT keep yp with my New Yorker subscription. But I read the Junot Diaz article and it made me consider it again for a second. I really appreciate his coming forward to support other victims. I'm not surprised by any of what he said, being an avid reader of his fiction, but I think it was helpful to others for him to come out and say it.
