
April Goals, Plus March, Revisited


A week into April and I'm finally getting around to this… what can you do? The last month has been a lot, so I'm cutting myself lots of slack. Here's how I did on my March goals (that I created before I knew I was going back in to work):

Average 6 hours and 45 of sleep a night- HA! Definitely not. Getting up at 5:30 to walk Ellie, instead of 6:20 like before, is throwing a huge wrench in this plan.

Get in a Sawyer-back-to-school routine- Yup! He's been doing great.

Plan workouts each week in advance- Pretty good, actually. I change things sometimes, depending on mood or energy, but I have been adding a lot more variety in.

Keep working on emergency binder- What emergency binder? Maybe this is better left for summer…

Be in a good place grading-wise for spring break- Nopity nope nope. And now I'm even more screwed because I truly took spring break off and didn't do much at all.

Buy a car- Sure did! And I have the loan to prove it (although I have a plan to hopefully pay it off in a year)

Lose 6.2 lbs- I lost a few, but Easter candy really did not help the cause

Now, April! I plan to be very reasonable:

Buy a new phone- I despise dealing with setting up passwords and all that, so I have been dragging my feet for months. First world problems, I know. 

Finish and ship all Etsy orders- I got a mention on a large blog so there are several hoops for me to complete right now! It was unexpected, but awesome.

Get a few health issues under control- Nothing major or life-threatening, but just annoying.

Make sure Sawyer has a great birthday- He turns seven in a few weeks! Last year it was completely at-home, but I think we have a good compromise in place for this "in-between" time, plus he's going to get a gift that he's going to absolutely die over, so I have a good feeling it will be a success

Stay away from a certain parent Facebook page affiliated with my son's school district- I check it for updates, since they seem to have news about schedule changes before the district office officially releases them, but the group is so toxic that it makes me very disappointed in my community.  I know good, hard-working teachers in the district and they have said reading the comments have literally made them cry- just not okay.

Step up my skin-care routine- I'm not getting any younger

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