
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

I am spending the next ninety minutes (until I have to go pick up Sawyer from school) writing and scheduling posts- we'll see how many I get done. I know blogging in sort of dead, but I have to keep the one person who hate reads (hey, you! Hope you're well!), the three people who've been consistent through the years, and the two from Russia who spam me happy! What can I say... Google Analytics are cool? Kidding, kidding- I just enjoy rambling about books and life. What can I say?

I read seven books in May! March and April were really hectic at work, so I didn't get much reading done, but I set myself up to finish the school year a little less chaotically, so that was nice. Two short story collections, two memoirs, and three novels. The perfect mix!

This is my first week of summer break and Sawyer's last few days of second grade- I am SO thankful that I have a few days to run errands, see friends, take care of an appointment, and sit in solitude before it's me and my sidekick for two months. I am also super thankful my sister is letting us pay her to come help at the end of the summer when I'm the one going back to work before he has to start up again (we could take him to the place he goes before/after school, but this is better for us). 

If you haven't donated to one of the Uvalde victim's gofundme, supported Everytown's work or written/called your local representative it's not too late. Thoughts, prayers, and tears have statistically proven to do absolutely nothing to lower the rate at which mass shootings have occurred, so while it may make people feel better, please take action as well. 

I've wanted a rower for awhile, but I might have to hold out now that Peloton is coming out with one! I don't really love the idea of another monthly subscription cost, but I could see all those leaderboards and whatnot as being super motivating with this machine.

We had our first in-person English Department Book Club in person yesterday, lunch on a restaurant patio. We met virtually since the pandemic began and while we tried to coordinate in-person meetings the last few times we couldn't get schedules to align. I see these people all the time at work, but it was nice to get together off-site for a different reason. 


  1. I’m one of the lurking followers you’ve had for several years, and I wanted to chime in to say I still really enjoy these old school blogging posts :)

    1. Aww! Thank you for saying that and for sticking around!
