Everyone seems so shocked that it's July. That's usually what happens when June is finished, although I admit that last month went by quickly. I'm lacking the brain power to come up with some witty theme today, so, like a shot of tequila, here they are straight up.
Shots #1 and #2 (this is the point where they still taste bad and you're making faces):
Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling 652 pages and 784 pages, respectively
I've spent a lot of time talking about HP this last month, so I'm not going to go in-depth here. I feel like everyone who is a fan has already read them, and for those who haven't, they probably never will. Anyway, these two books are a lot darker and more mature than the others, but are still very good. If you have not jumped on Harry's wagon (doesn't that sound dirty?) you may want to. I hate cutesy, cliched crap, and I promise that these are not. They're fun, creative and very easy reads.
Shot #3 (feeling good now, lots of smiling and laughing)
Salvation C
288 pages
This was a very good read, another addition to the apocalyptic genre that has become increasingly popular post-9/11. This novel focused on a flu pandemic that killed millions, including the main character's parents. He then must live in an ultra-religious community with the pastor and his wife. The book is a mix of the present and flashbacks, revealing how the flu struck and how the boy coped with the death of his mom and dad. I had a few problems with how some of the relationships developed in the novel, but as a whole I would recommend it.
Shot #4 (going down the hatch easy-like, stomach burning slightly, more laughing)
Origins by Annie Murphy Paul
320 pages
I reviewed and discussed this book in great deal during the Non-Fiction Nag post I started this week (read about it here). Basically, this book deals with the connections between the fetus and the mother throughout pregnancy. Not I'm not pregnant, and keeping with the shots theme, this book advises against doing so when knocked up.
Shot #5 (there may be repercussions tomorrow, but for now life is good... as long as you stay sitting)
The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown
318 pages
This book has been very well-received by critics, but proves to be an example of how sometimes their opinions fall short. The novel is about three grown sisters who return home when their mother is diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, all three bringing a great deal of baggage with them. The father speaks in mostly Shakespeare lines, and the sisters spend a great deal of time whining about how their lives aren't what they wanted (at times this aspect bordered on chic-lit). There were some good characters (the father and youngest sister) and I loved the small-town setting and emphasis on reading, but the drawbacks were too much. The narration style also failed to impress- it was told in the collective "we," as if the sisters as whole were one voice, but then referred to each individually. It was a nice creative effort, but just didn't work. It was a quick read and at times entertaining, but if you're looking for something "deep" or "literary" you won't find it here. I guess if you want a light beach read this would work. I guess.
Bottoms up. Oh, and just in case some how my students have found this and read it, no drinking until you're 21, boys and girls! And in moderation, of course. Always.
Christine! I just found you because you commented on my blog! So far I love it! I love books and reading and I'm always looking for good recommendattions. It's always amazing to me how I Don't hear about something that's been out for months (years!). Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog, I'm adding you to my list right now and I'll work to catch up on what you've already written. Thanks and Happy Reading!! (Love Harry Potter!)