Modcloth Loves the Literary

Are you off to book club? A book fair? An upcoming author? Feeling like swimming literary style? Unsure to wear? You've come to the right place. As promised yesterday, here are some of Modcloth's literary wardrobe solutions for you (all are from their site and can be found there for purchase):

For the record, I adore Modcloth and have given them quite a bit of, uh, support, lately. I have never had any issues with quality and their site and app are both great. Their customer service is also top-notch. And no, they're not paying me to say any of this. 


  1. Splash fiction! That's clever. I also love the "Novel Release Party." The dress is pretty, but I'm just all about the name.

  2. I loooooove Modcloth, too. Occasionally the quality isn't worth the price, but dang their clothes are cute.

  3. I love ModCloth's products! I've never actually bought any of them but I love browsing through the page wishing I could. :) Someday I'm going to!

  4. I love looking at Modcloth stuff but I can't say I have ever brought anything from them. Good to know they are reliable! :) Love a lot of these dresses, but mostly their names.

  5. I clearly need to find an author outings in my area so I can attend, wearing the proper attire obviously. (Also, what exactly is an author outings and who can attend?). I suddenly feel like I need to rename all my boots Powerful protagonist bootie.
