
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

I'm back! Link up, link back and say hello!

1. We took Sawyer to the park in his Max costume last weekend so my husband could take some photos and he did so well, even with me forgetting one of his shoes and making him go barefoot. This is just one I snapped on my phone:

2. I'm officially not buying books until my birthday and Christmas are over. It's painful, but considering there are people in my life who insist on buying me things, it's the only real item that makes it my wish list.

3. I went to the podiatrist this afternoon and he was not on board with shooting up my feet with cortisone shots. After I told him I was registered for a half marathon in three months he went into problem-solving mode (he's an incredible runner; he qualifies for Boston every year at St. George). He recommends surgery for my toe and custom-made athletic orthotics for my collapsed arches and massively inflamed accessory ankle bone (it sound so cute when you put it that way, like my ankle has a little purse or something). I'm going to put off surgery for a little while and get some more information, but he's just so darn convincing. He also wants me to sign up for a weekend running club and consider a full marathon. Crazy talk. Also crazy will be the bill I get from everything that went down today. 

4. I need/want a really nice, tailored grey flannel blazer. Or maybe black. Or maybe corduroy. And I'm willing to shell out some solid cash for it. Suggestions? Personal shopping applicants can go ahead and email me.

5. The only way I'm currently surviving Halloween candy season is by buying the kinds I hate so that I'm not tempted at home. So instead of giving out the good stuff, like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats, and Snickers, we're going to rot the mouths of babes with Skittles, Starbursts, suckers, and other gross, chewy, fruity treats. 

6. I things I maybe miss advising yearbook a little bit. Not a lot, but just enough to make me slightly sad that I'm not worrying about selecting layouts, covering the rivalry game this week, and harassing the kids about the looming fall deadlines. There's good stress and bad stress; yearbook was always a good stressor in my life. Maybe we'll meet again.

7. Sawyer managed to break a kid's flashlight that one Amazon reviewer said "is the toy we tried to kill but won't die." One part proud, one part scared.

8. I bought this delicious, albeit a little ugly, Jack-o-Lantern Pinata ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins last Friday and I still haven't finished it. When the guy told me that it only feeds six to eight people I assumed I'd polish it off last weekend (especially considering my shitty mood), but I still have at least piece left. Who am I?

9. Conferences last Thursday went really, really well. I saw almost ninety families in three and a half hours with absolutely no break, so it was a little tiring. But it was really productive, whether I was having a serious talk about a kid's grades or telling parents how much I love their child. It's a long night but I have never left unhappy.

10. My seniors are finishing up Michael Ondaatje's Running in the Family, which means that we're on to Sylvia Plath's poetry really soon. I feel like a lot of them are pretty stressed right now (college apps and whatnot), so the timing may not be ideal. Honestly, I'm not even really in the mood to read poems by a woman that ended up sticking her head in an oven.  


  1. I'm officially not buying books next year... There are a few other bloggers joining me. I'll post something about 2016: The Year of Extreme Restraint soon (feel free to join us!).

  2. Oh - I love Sawyer's costume!! And that cake...yeah it would have been gone in my house...when I'm not running (injury) I eat like crap...have just about polished off the whole Trader Joe's pumpkin loaf that I made on Sunday night. Oops!

  3. You are giving out the good stuff for Halloween. I love Skittles, Starbursts, suckers, and chewy, fruity treats. I was actually upset that I mostly got Snickers and chocolate stuff at Mickey's Halloween party this year.

    P.S. Sawyer's costume is completely adorable.
