The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth, by Alexandra Robbins As a teacher I have a different perspective on high school cliques, and I often wonder what these crazy teenagers will be like when they grow up. And I sincerely do hope the geeks inherit the earth. We will be a lot safer.
Big Girls Don't Cry: The Election That Changed Everything for American Women by Rebecca Traister The title is pretty self-explanatory. Can I get a hell's yeah for Hillary and Michelle? Not so much for Sarah. Ew.
Origins: How the First Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives by Annie Murphy Hall Right off the bat let me say I'm not knocked up, nor am I trying. I do love me some biology and find the notion that so much about us is determined before we pop out fascinating. Again, there is no bun in the oven. The yeast has not been bought, the pan has not been greased.
Antibiotic Resistance by Karl Drlica and David Perlin Another biology book, this one about a frightening and interesting topic. It astounds me how blase people are about antibiotics- MRSA, people, MRSA! This book looks a little textbook-ish, so I'm sure I'll be googling ten million things to get through the scientific babble.
The cars of the future will drive themselves to the oil-changing place. Oh wait, the cars of the future won't need oil because they'll be environmentally friendly. Any day now... I guess this means I have to put on shoes.
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