
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

[from our Rose Parade float viewing on Tuesday]

Happy New Year!

1. There will be a change starting, well, today, with this weekly feature- the widget that allows you to link up will be no longer be with us. I know, I'm sorry. But, it's time to renew and I didn't want to pay the fee or look for a new free option. I also haven't been able to schedule posts and have the widget show up, which is annoying (I'm not sure if it's a me, Mr. Linky, or Blogger issue). Nonetheless, still participate! I will still be writing them, you'll just have to leave your link in the comments. And while I don't always comment back, I love seeing what everyone is up to.

2. So, super duper long story short, I recently learned that our older neighbor is racist and very nosey and has even left racially charged hate mail for people (police were involved). This all started when a rude note was left on my husband's friend's car over the weekend and I posted on our Neighborhood Watch Facebook page- I learned lots, let's just say. I am so disappointed.

3. I am trying to finish up my 2017 Year-In-Review book so I can take advantage of the 50% + 10% discount Mixbook is offering. Considering my book will probably be 200 pages I need this coupon baaaaaaaaaadly. 

4. I want to go snowshoeing. I don't know why, but it looks fun and like great exercise. 

5. I took my car in to be smogged last week and it didn't pass because I had my battery changed a month ago and apparently one of the computers didn't reset right. I had to take it to the dealer yesterday and sit for FOUR hours so they could drive it around and hit all these weird different check points so the drive cycle would reset. It was horrible. Luckily they fixed it and I was able to get it smogged and the registration today. So many hours wasted, though. 

6. I can't get on board the bell-sleeve train. I'm not cool enough.

7. I just finished listening to The Last Mrs. Parish and while there are flaws galore in the writing, it was entertaining on my drive to and from Modesto.

8. I am currently reading Salman Rushdie's newest, The Golden House and now that I'm about 50 pages in it's growing on me. It's definitely different from Midnight's Children, which I read a few years ago. 

9. The other day Sawyer and I met up with some friends and drove to Pasadena to see some of the floats from the Rose Parade. It was very crowded and a little warm, but super cool! I helped decorate one several years ago with a group from school, but it was in the beginning phase and didn't have any fresh flowers. These all looked beautiful. I think we will definitely go back next year. 

Remember to leave you link in the comments!


  1. I am not cool enough to pull off bell sleeves (nor do I really want to be...). They are just so impractical - so much extra fabric.

    I also don't understand the cold shoulder trend.

    (I feel a little old right now.)

  2. Bummer about the neighbor and car. UMASS was at the Rose Parade this year if I remember right. That's always cool. Wore my first dress with bell sleeves to a Christmas party. I could do without them. I'm with Rory--cold shoulders, why? It is way too cold in MA right now to even consider it.

    Enjoy your day. It's a very snowy windy one here.


  3. It is very troubling to realize neighbors (or even relatives) are racist! At least with the neighbor and her actions, you can do something. Relatives, not so much.


  4. I love bell-sleeves, but I don't often wear them for practical reasons.

    My thoughts are here:

  5. I don't understand the point of bell-sleeves either.
