
Current Reads

I feel like I am totally in the thick of it, reading, wise, so here's what my nose has been stuck in lately:

I have had this cookbook for several years, but I dusted it off the other day and used the basic recipe for calzones. They were perfect! There were a ton of other recipes in the book that all stem from the basic mother-dough recipe, so I'm excited to experiment and wish I would have earlier.

I've been reading Watchmen by Alan Moore at the recommendation of my husband and a friend at work, both agreeing that the existential nature might work well while teaching Kafka's The Metamorphosis. It's outside of my comfort zone, but I am enjoying it.

I am getting through a stack of essays on Maya Angelou's poem "Still I Rise," which I used as a blind timed write assignment, the first time they've had to do one on a poem (usually it's a passage). They're surprising me and doing pretty well!

I basically devoured Kazuko Aoki's Embroidered Garden Flowers, which has helped me expand the variety of flowers I use in my work and develop some new stitches. It's a beautifully put together book, and I might get some of her others. 

I am about 50 or so pages into Richard Powers' Overstory, which I am enjoying, despite being a little daunted by the density and length. I know it will worth it. 

The last week or so has been INCREDIBLY busy and I've been trying to put my nose the grindstone and really try to knock out tasks to stay on top of the necessities at work and home. I do try to make time every single day to read, though, since it keeps me centered.

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