
Summer 2017 Rewind

[Torrey Pines last weekend]

I know that the beginning of August is certainly not really the end of summer, but for teachers most of us mark the beginning of the school year as the end of the season. I started work today, so for me summer is done (unfortunately that doesn't mean cooler temperatures). At the beginning of vacation I settled for a list of goals rather than doing my usual monthly installment, so I'm here to review how I did:

Be Creative:
- cook new recipes- Yup!
- cross stitch- Lots!
- work on writing projects- No (well, at least not enough to claim a yes)
- think about new ways to teach- Sorta (a few new things in the works)
- get caught up on my 2017 picture book- Yes (all the way done through July! This is the first time this has ever happened; usually I do the whole thing in December)

Read in Excess:
- blog more- Yup  
- Read at least 50 pages a day- Even more (22 books total) 
- work-related reading- Partially

- read nonfiction- Check!
- watch TED Talks- I think only one or two, so not substantial
- squeeze in documentary- Nope (pathetic) 
- Sawyer counting, learning colors, being potty trained- Yup, yup, and yup!
- consider being an IB scorer- I will going to apply in the next month (I am trying to pay off my student loans early, so this will help) 

- spare bedroom- Nope
- my workout/stuff room- Yup
- computer- Ha! No way.
- my photos- Negative
- Craft/art cabinet- Yes

- my mind- Not a chance
- my eyelids- I think I got less sleep than when working (Sawyer wakes up at the same time and because I am "off" I go to bed later)

- day excursions with Sawyer- Yes! Many! (three or four museums, three trips to the beach, Downtown Disney, Northern California for a few days, etc...) 
- be social- Yup! I saw friends at least once a week 
- do fun things at home- Check

- run- Yay! Yes! 
- walk/hike- Yeah to both
- light weights- Oops
- Yoga- Not enough (everytime I do yoga I wish I did it more, but yet I still end up doing a million times more cardio) 
- Hip exercises- Got an awesome cortisone shot instead

I'm really satisfied with this summer, and while I do have a major case of wanderlust right now, I am still happy with what we did. 

I'll be back at the end of the month with some goals (all I want to do this month is get back into the swing of things). 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great summer!! Way better than mine! :) Happy new school year!
