
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

1. Sawyer and I drove out to this place called Cabazon, close to Palm Springs, the other day to see these huge dinosaurs painted for Valentines Day, plus a little outside dinosaur walk-through experience. It was so silly and touristy, but he LOVED it and we were able to go after work and be home in time for dinner. It was a good way to start off February. 

2. I have go to get my passwords under control- I have so many variations and I don't keep track of them (they're all just stored in the cloud or on my laptop). The other day I had an Instagram issue and for approximately 93 heart-stopping moments, I thought I lost everything in my account. Maybe this should be one of my March goals.

3. My son is 200% obsessed with Dog Man right now, and my mom made the comment that she should read one. Guess who received Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties yesterday and is expected to read for a book club discussion asap? Considering Sawyer can talk endlessly on the topic I think I'll be able to set the two of them up in his room for an hour and go get things done. 

4. I am off starting on Saturday for ten days, since our district takes some time off for the two President's Days. I am SO excited. I am planning on being mostly caught up, besides a set up timed writes, so I can take it relatively easy work-wise. Sawyer still has school for part of time time, which would be far better if he was actually there in person (our county has been seeing a huge downward trend in numbers lately, so hopefully the little kids can safely start back in a month or two... when the time come he is super ready with his Harry Potter backpack, haha).

5. One of my goals for the month is to "go" to a reading/event. I am really excited about Brandon Hobsons' new book, The Removed, and I saw that he's doing a reading through PEN with Rebecca Makkai, who I adore. It isn't free, but for $12 I know I'll show up. I have been feeling a little uninspired lately, so I'm hoping this will be good.

6. In 2019 I stared a symbol-per-book embroidery hoop and failed to finish it- I think I came  up like 10 books short at the end. You have no idea how much that bugs me! I didn't even attempt 2020, but I want to start it up (let's be real, the completion-ist in me is also contemplating finishing 2019 and 2020, too). I have a new design plan that I think will look more organized. 

7. Two bookish sites I'm obsessed with right now- NPR's Book Concierge and the Brooklyn bookstore Books are Magic (they have great recommendations). 


  1. Passwords are definitely my frustration, too; I finally started keeping track of them on my computer, in a hidden spot.

    I like the sound of those painted dinosaurs!


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