
Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts

1.   My Target stopped carrying my Donut Shop Sweet & Creamy K-Cups and I’m basically devastated. I don’t understand why they’re doing this to me.

2.   I’m currently listening to the Woman in the Window by AJ Finn and I’m actually more interested in the character’s backstory than present story, which is really quite rare for me (I’m maybe 1/3 of the way through). As a whole I’m intrigued by the book, but sometimes little pieces of dialogue sound a bit unnatural and bother me. The pacing is also a little bit off, but that might just be because of how I'm listening to it. 

3.   In terms of actual reading, I’ve returned to Salman Rushdie’s The Golden House, which I had started six or so weeks ago but put on pause. Now that I am almost 100 pages in I am really, really enjoying it. It reminds me of sort of a modern day Gatsby-esque sort of story.

4.   I have next week off for our President’s Week Break and I have stacked appointments on top of appointments on top of appointments. I try to save things like dentist appointments and yearly check-ups for times when I am off, and boy have I ever. I think I have two doctor appointments, a vet appointment, a hair appointment, a repair man appointment, and then a few other things too. Plus trying to get in some fun. I’m not complaining because, HELLO TIME OFF, but I think by the end of the break I’ll be more tired than when I started.

5.   I cross-stitched the above pattern for my classroom and I love it. I am slowly creating bigger, more elaborate pieces for a gallery wall I hope to create in our guest bedroom eventually, but I am having fun doing smaller, cuter projects for my classroom.

6.   The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are at the Hollywood Bowl in May and I want to go so badly. I also really, really want to see Elton John before he quits touring, but his tickets are SO expensive. I mean I totally get wanting to make a huge wad of cash before quitting, but sorry Sir, I am not paying a couple of hundred dollars to cram myself into the Rose Bowl to see you sing.

7.   For the next three months either my husband or I have a work trip scheduled each and yet we never travel together. Sigh.

8.   So, I have saved the most serious and saddest item for the end. Our thirteen-year-old Golden Retriever Cordie has been having some trouble with her eye and they have feared that it was the result of a larger, more systematic, issue. We tried one round of drops and the symptoms came back after we were done using them, so the vet took some blood and her leukocytes were through the roof. This is generally an indicator for leukemia, so I have to take her back for an ultrasound and biopsy next week. She is showing no other symptoms besides the eye, which can be controlled with drops, but obviously cancer isn’t something that will lay dormant forever. Considering she is geriatric we really want to focus more on keeping her happy and comfortable, so I am dreading the Big Decisions that will come with her treatment in the future. I’m trying to stay optimistic, since she is currently doing so well, but it’s still pretty depressing, since I really don’t remember life without her. I’m also really, really dreading dealing with pet loss and a small child (yes, I’ve already started looking at books on Amazon to explain this).


  1. So sorry about your dog! Those decisions are very hard.

    Love the cross-stitch piece, especially the message.

    I hate when a store I visit stops carrying something I love and count on. For me, it was the Save Mart in my neighborhood that no longer carries the Special K Nourish: Coconut-Cranberry-Almond.

    But guess what? My Target carries it.

    Wow, you have scheduled a LOT of appointments.


  2. Oh no, I’m so sorry about Cordie :(

  3. I adore your cross-stitches! *^-^*

    For the k-cups... if you have a Target card, you can get free shipping ordering them online. Maybe not as convenient as going to the store, but similar pricing. (We are running low on k-cups. I need to start bargain hunting for good prices.)

    I am very sorry to hear about your dog. *hugs*

    My Bookish (and not) Thoughts

  4. So sorry to see the news about your beautiful pup. That's always so difficult. I have two black labs that I love SO much and dread those days. Cordie looks like a happy pup that knows she's loved! :)

  5. Love the cross-stitch, and all my sympathy for you and your sweet Cordie. I'm glad it sounds like she is comfortable for now though.

  6. Pet loss is hard, I won't lie. She looks so happy and beautiful in this picture though!! :)
