
Raise Your Hand if You're Not Surprised, Part 2

Borders officially announced it will close the doors on their remaining stores this fall after failing to find someone to swoop in and dig them out of the financial hole they've buried themselves in.

A moment of silence, please.

The good news is that liquidation sales may start as soon as Friday, meaning those of us, ahem, with book buying problems can go ahead and fall off the wagon guilt free (it's basically charity).

I have mixed feelings as far as this resulting in even more bookstores closing; it's not like Borders is a mom 'n pop store being overrun by a big box chain- they are a big box chain! Survival of the fittest- Barnes and Noble and Amazon took advantage of Borders' weakness. This town aint big enough for the both of us.

On the other hand, it is sad. Sure, they're big business, but they have books inside! Books with pages and covers! Books that smell like paper and can be put on shelves! Not media files ready to download and read on a screen. People who love to read gather there and leave with new stories to devour. It's also depressing that more people will lose their jobs and large real estate parcels will sit empty.

Barnes and Nobel better step up their game...


  1. I feel bad for their employees, but I won't miss the store. And yes, I will be hitting up the going-out-of-business sales like it's going out of style.

  2. All we have is a Books-a-Million in my town. That place SUCKS. I make it a point to remember what books I want to buy and then get them cheaper online. Every time I would go to use my teacher discount card, they would interrogate me to make SURE it was something I used in my classroom. PLus, who's ever heard of a discount card you have to BUY?

  3. I won't lie---this depresses me. I spent so many hours of my life sitting on the floor in a Borders reading books. The end of an era!

  4. I am sad because now there is no book store in my town except for a used bookstore that isn't particularly good. I will have to drive to Tacoma or Seattle to find a bookstore where I can browse. I really am in mourning...but I'm not surprised.

  5. Is this a jab at me on my birthday because of my new Kindle? Sheesh. lol

    I AM sad about this. I love bookstores and it's a shame that they are going away. I will still show my support and buy books as well as ebooks!

  6. I'm not surprised but I AM sad.
